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~Mew's POV~

I lowly growled as I watched my son sleep in my arms. He was sleeping peacefully tonight. My omega hasn't been. This is a rare time where he is sleeping. He always watches Alex, keeping at least one eye on him at all times. It's been difficult to make him eat or sleep. Harder even when I'm at work.

I stared down and watched my kitten's chest rise and fall as he slept. My back was pressed against the headboard and my legs slightly parted as he used one as a pillow. Our nest was remade a few days ago when my kitten started panicking and needed to change it. It was smaller and warmer so we could sleep even closer together. Before my kitten fell asleep, he made sure we were comfortable first before settling down next to me and dragging a soft blanket over us.

I wanted him to sleep so badly tonight.....that I abused my own hold over him......and commanded him to sleep. I watched as he got teary and my scent started lulling him to sleep as his body obeyed my words.

I promised him I would never use it against him again yet here I am..... breaking my promise to my mate.

I'm horrible.

A horrible mate and alpha.

I don't deserve my kitten.

My hand fisted the pillow beside me in frustration as I let my body fall back down and wrap him in my arms. I kept Alex cuddled tight between us and laid a kiss to my mate's cheek. He whimpered and moved closer in his sleep, surrounding our puppy with his warmth.

Yet I won't ever let you go.

You are mine and so is our puppy. I will do everything I possibly and physically can to make sure neither of you will suffer.

I pulled the blanket up over my kitten's shoulders and got comfortable one last time to hopefully get some rest before I have to go to work.


I forgot what today was. It never mattered to me before.........yet I came home and got smothered in love and kisses. My kitten was singing to me and our puppy was giving me his precious slobber kisses. He curled up on my chest and his weight kept me grounded as my kitten cut me a piece of cake he made himself.

I was in a different type of heaven today. One that gives you that warm feeling and makes everything look brighter.

Even if it is just for today, I want to cherish every moment and memory of it. My son is content in my arms and my kitten is feeding me cake while sitting in my lap. I want to hold them tighter and keep them safe in my arms. A place they don't have to worry in. A place where they are away from the dangers of other people. Where they smile and laugh all the time without a care in the world.

But I can't do that. I just can't.

So I'll keep trying and do my best to give them reasons to smile and laugh.

That's a promise I will keep.

I will make my family happy.

Even after all the celebration my kitten made for me to eat, he still wanted to gift me something. We put Alex to sleep and he dragged me up to the roof of our home and showed me the blanket he spread out. It was cozy and he brought out a small thermos of hot cocoa. He gave me his sweet smile and asked me to watch the sky.

I tucked him under my chin and wrapped my arms around his soft tummy. It got even softer after he gave birth. I have more tummy to hold onto now and I love him so much for the gift he added into our family.

My eyes watched the sky and waited patiently until he shouted for me to look carefully. My lungs gave out as dozens of shooting stars streaked through the night sky. Everything lit up around us.

I could barely rip my eyes away from nature's beauty to look at my kitten. I could see the galaxy above us in his eyes. They shimmered and glowed in love as he kissed me under the night sky.

He's so perfect and caring towards me. How can I call him mine? I watched the stars in his eyes and quickly decided how.

I made love to him countless times and bit his mark again to claim him mine under the night sky. I leaned back after hours of worshipping his body to see his flushed face, panting chest, and hickies littering his body. His thighs were bearing imprints from my hands and dripping from the mix of his slick and my cum. His eyes were tired but yet he stilled begged me for more.

Begged for my lips to touch his, for my hands to rub his body......and for my cock to pierce his hole again. I praised him and thanked him for everything he had ever given me. Until we heard one of our blessings cry for us below. I pulled my hips back and gave one big kiss to my kitten's lips before wrapping him in the blanket and carrying him back down. I laid him in our nest and watched as he brought our puppy closer to his marked chest to feed him.

My feet padded into the bathroom to get a small towel and wet it with warm water. I squeezed excess water and brought it out to start wiping at my kitten's body. He was busy grooming our puppy and let me wipe off the evidence of our love and leave kisses after places were cleaned.

I returned to bed after putting on boxers and kneeled in front of my kitten to put shorts and a shirt on him. I brushed the hair out of his eyes after dressing him and pushed him to lay down next to me.

He hummed Alex to sleep as Alex kept a tight grip on his thumb. My fingers played with his hair until I heard a soft snore. I saw my kitten fall asleep himself. I kissed his lips again and held him as I let my eyes droop.

This is officially the best birthday I've ever had.

Thank you kitten.

I love you so much.

I can't wait to show you for the rest of our lives.


A short update but a necessary one

I'm about to go on break in a few days so hopefully I can set aside some time to write instead of a few sentences here and there😅

Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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