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~3rd POV~

Mew and Gulf were currently processing what the new guy just said. Mew knew who this guy was but he never considered any kids he might've had. He didn't care about him and he certainly didn't care about the lump on the ground.

"I don't care who he is. He's nothing to me except my Omega's assaulter." Mew growled while glaring holes into this guy's skull.

"He's your younger brother! Brothers are supposed to share and care for each other!"

Gulf was still processing everything but it all stopped when Mew launched at the guy and punched him across the face.

"I'm your father! How dare you disobey me!!" He yelled while holding his paining cheek.

"How dare I?! How fucking dare you?! I will never share my omega with anyone! He will never be my brother!! You will never be my father! He's worthless to me and he will always be nothing to me!! Don't act like we grew up the best of buds! You ruined everything!!! You and your damn family will never be anything to me!! You are the reason I don't have my mother!! I would love more than anything, to kill you and get peace for her!! You are nothing but a sick greedy bastard!!"

Rage was the only thing Mew had inside.

Hatred flowed like water and he was drowning that bastard in it.

Gulf was terrified by the immense waves of strong pheromones that didn't settle right with his tummy. He felt nauseous.

He sat down and held his head in his hands as he tried to make everything stop spinning.

Mew was snapped out of his rage once he felt that nauseous feeling cling onto him. He turned right back around and held on tightly to Gulf.

Guilt washed over him for hurting his omega and pup.

"I'm sorry kitten. Let's get out of here. Let's go home to our nest okay?"

Gulf only whimpered and nodded before Mew gently carried him up and walked away from the scene. He rushed to his motorcycle and carefully situated them on the bike before bringing it to life and driving away.

Gulf was still out of it even after Mew had placed him in their nest and surrounded him in his scent. He couldn't figure out what exactly was wrong.

He was back in his nest with no intruding pheromones yet he still wasn't calm.

Mew started to worry before a tiny thing at the back of his head latched into place. His gaze turned to Gulf's belly.

He crawled over and kneeled on both sides of Gulf's hips before laying both of his hands over the soft tummy. He tilted his head to lean just barely over his hands before placing a soft kiss over the tummy.

"Calm down.....daddy is sorry for being so bad earlier. Everything is alright now. Mommy will also be fine too. Calm down...." Mew whispered to his pup.

After a moment, Mew noticed the change in Gulf's scent. It was calmer and more at ease. Mew let go of the breath he was holding in and flopped onto the side before curling behind Gulf. He supported Gulf's head and wrapped his arm around his tummy to lay a warm hand on the belly.

His thoughts were left to run around about the events from earlier.

He refuses to ever consider that bastard his father or bastard junior his brother. They've got some serious nerve to act like they are family or even on civil terms. Mew has never been close to any of them so they are nothing to him. Then that asshole assaulted his omega as if it would be okay in any type of situation.

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