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~Gulf's POV~

My alpha has to return to work today. It has been one month since our puppy's birth. Since he's only the father, he only gets a month a paternity leave. Unfair but we need a better schedule in place and him going back to work will help in a way.

I sighed to myself as I finished making his lunch for today. I made him some hot chicken soup, two chicken wraps, and plenty of drinks and little snacks he can have before or after lunch. Gathering all the containers, I placed them in his lunchbox and gave a kiss to the top of it before setting it aside and going upstairs where my alpha is.

He was sitting cross legged on our bed, dressed and ready for work while he nuzzled Alex's tummy. I smiled and sat down next to him as he heavily scented our puppy.

I frowned to myself thinking about it. My alpha is going to miss our puppy so bad that he's scenting him this much. I cuddled closer to him and rubbed my head near his neck to comfort him. He turned to me and gave me his beautiful smile before leaning closer and giving me a kiss. He cradled my face in his hand and stroked my cheek with his thumb while drawing me closer to him. I purred at his actions and settled into his lap for one last quick cuddle session before he leaves.

"I'm going to miss you kitten. You and our puppy. I don't want to leave you both here alone." He rumbled as he kept sniffing me and Alex.

"We'll be fine alpha. I was just thinking I could try and get some groceries later with him. Maybe it would help slowly start exposing him to new scents." I explained quietly as I saw our puppy slowly quiet down and flutter his little eyes closed.

"Mm, don't want you to. I'll get some. Just tell me what you want and I'll get it."

I sighed and shook my head.

"You'll be tired alpha. I can take care of it. Besides, it's the grocery store. There's certain things you are good at my darling but grocery shopping on your own is not one of them." I giggled as he sulked into my chest.

"Fine.........just be careful okay? I don't want something to happen to either of you and I'm not there." He murmured.

He pushed his nose deeper into my chest and clawed at my hips as he kept washing me over with his scent and pheromones. I wiggled against him and climbed out of his lap and picked Alex up to set him down in his crib. I turned on his mobile and made sure he was covered enough before walking downstairs with my darling.

"I'll be home as fast as I can kitten. I love you." He said as he put his lunch away before giving a peck to my cheek. He fastened his helmet and climbed on his bike to bring it to life. I waved at him as he slowly disappeared from the garage and from me.

I quickly made my way back upstairs to Alex to check on him. I cooed at his sleeping body and watched him sleep. I love my puppy. My tiny adorable puppy. I nuzzled his cheek very gently with my nose before backing away. I left him to sleep and went back downstairs to make myself something to eat.

I ate quickly and downed a water bottled when I heard my puppy. I hurried upstairs and saw Alex throw his little fists around while looking around. I got him out of his crib and slowly pat his back to calm him down. I sat down in our nest and fed him his breakfast. He still sniffled as he ate but he cuddled close to me. I purred and waited for him to finish eating before changing his diaper.

I took off his pajamas and got him dressed in a dashing little yellow onesie with a baby chick on it. I put some soft blue pants on him and a little hat for his head. My handsome little Alex is ready. I quickly changed into some pants and one of Mew's hoodies before putting him in his car seat.

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