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~Gulf's POV~

The first thing I saw the following morning was Mew leaning against his motorcycle again. I happily rushed towards him and greedily received my fill of his scent.

"Good morning kitten. Here, for you."

He held up a simple white flower and tucked it behind my ear.

He sighed and observed my face closely before shaking his head.

"No, this one isn't pretty enough. I need to find a different one."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I was trying to find a flower that matched how beautiful you are but this one isn't pretty enough."

I blushed at his words and gave a quick thank you before I was being lifted onto the bike just like yesterday. The jacket was put on me again and the helmet was strapped on once more. My hands wrapped around his waist and he took off.

It was a short but welcome drive to my department. He got up and lifted me off to escort me to class.

I'm not used to being stared at like this.

Sure people listen to me and watch when I have a speech or presentation but this is different. Mew is with me....holding my waist......walking me to class.

"Here we are kitten. Uhmm, study hard....don't fall attention....and....what's another thing I should say? Anyways, I won't be able to take you on another date today but I will tomorrow. I have some errands to run so I'm skipping classes today, but I'll see you tomorrow kitten. Come here."

The jacket he took off earlier was being put back on me.

Is he-?

"I know you like my jacket and my scent so you can use it today so you don't miss me too much."

He gave me his leather jacket....fully coated in his scent.

It smells so's perfect for my nest. It feels like I'm being hugged by Mew. It's warm from his body heat. I want to leave so I can snuggle with this all day.

"Kitten, come back to me. You can enjoy my scent later. You're going to be late for class if you stay out here any longer. I have to go now kitten. I'll see you later."

He leaned towards me and gave my forehead a small peck before leaving me in front of my class door.

"Bye-bye Mew......I'll see you tomorrow."

Hmph..... tomorrow should come quickly.........but I get to have his jacket with me tonight!

Thoughts of where to place is on my bed were rudely interrupted by Mild.

"Gulf! You are being courted by the famous bad boy here and he's being sweet to you?!"

I quickly sat down next to him and held a finger to my lips.

"Shh, I'll tell you later."

Mew wants me to study hard so I have to pay attention!

Is it hard to believe I already miss him?


~Mew's POV~

I lit my first cigarette of the day and watched as the scumbag from yesterday trying to crawl away from me again. I held him down by crushing his ankle with my shoe so he'll stop trying to escape.

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