Celebration Dinner

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~Mew's POV~

"Kitten, are you ready now?" I asked through the bathroom door.

He's been in there since I picked him up from his classes. I know he's getting ready but we have to leave in about 10 minutes just to be sure we don't end up late. Besides, my sweet kitten is so beautiful he doesn't need anything fancy.

"Just a minute darling! I'm almost done!" I heard his soft voice from the other side of the door.

I nodded to myself and got both of our jackets from the bed. I sat down to wait for him to exit while scrolling through my phone.

I don't know why people think I need to know what they had for breakfast, lunch, and dinner......or their snacks......or their 5th outfit of the day......or their "after such a long and hard time getting their nails done mood" even though they just sat in a chair.

People confuse me.

I looked up from my screen after I heard the door open.

My eyes observed every beautiful inch of my kitten. He wore a white knitted sweater that helped keep him warm with a pair of stretchy blue jeans and some white tennis shoes that he so dearly kept as clean as possible. His belly appeared so soft and cuddly as he carefully made his way to me.

"I'm ready darling."

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pressed a kiss to his head while rubbing the side of his belly. I felt a small this against my hand and we both chuckled out at our son's activeness.

"Let's go kitten."


I carefully guided my kitten inside the building as we entered an elevator with a hostess taking us up to the celebratory dinner. This place screamed wealth and luxury from the shiny modern decor to the tall skyscraper of a restaurant. I kept a tight hold on his waist as we went down a long hallway before a pair of double doors were opened revealing the dining area.

They had different levels for different dining experiences and preferences depending on what you want to eat.

Boss picked a fancy barbeque place so we get to grill our own food and not worry about a waiter unless we need more meat or vegetables.

Boss noticed our entrance and instantly stood up to being us towards the head of the table with him.

"You made it on time! We just received the menu for our options so we can start picking our food soon." He joyfully exclaimed.

He turned his attention to my precious kitten next.

"Oh wow! You are such a glowing omega. My mate used to glow too when she was pregnant. You've made such a great choice Mew. Please enjoy dinner tonight and don't hesitate to ask for any special requests Gulf!" My boss politely complimented.

Of course my omega glows, he's happy and pregnant with our son. My precious kitten is beautiful pregnant.

My chest puffed in pride at my mate and Gulf also revealed he was happy with his warm scent float around us.

"Thank you sir, our puppy is really getting big now and that just means he gets hungrier." My kitten thanked him and gently rubbed his belly where our son last kicked.

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