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~Mew's POV~

"So Mew, how's your little omega doing?" I heard my boss ask. I groaned and rolled out from under the car I'm currently working on and looked at him.

"He's doing perfectly fine. Why?"

I rolled back up and grabbed the drill to start reattaching the bolts I undid earlier. When I finished those I felt myself being dragged back out from under the car and stared down to by everyone who works in the garage.


"That's it? He's 'fine'. You haven't introduced us to him yet!" One complained.

"Look, just because I've been working here for 5 years does not mean I'm going to gossip with you guys about my omega. Jeez, you guys gossip more than your wives. Can you hand me that wire cutter please?"

One guy grabbed it but held it back before shooting more questions.

"Does he go to your college? What's he majoring in?"

"Yes and I'm not telling you. What's with this sudden quiz about him?"

"Cause you've been with him for almost 3 months now and we haven't met him! We want to see if he can deal with you and be welcomed into the family." He explained.

"And I want to see if he deserves you or not Mew." The only girl and omega that works here.

"It's not that he doesn't 'deserve' me but if I deserve him!" I groaned out. I grabbed the wire cutters from the dude's hand and rolled back under the car.

"Listen son, I know they suck at asking questions but it's also because my pup is turning 7 and we're celebrating with a barbeque at my place. I wanted to see if you wanted to come and bring your omega along."

"Is it already that time of year boss?" I rolled back out.

"Yep, I'm getting old boy. So, are you gonna come or no? I have to buy the meat tomorrow before Saturday. My wife's gonna kill me if I don't have enough." He whined.

"Then you should've been more attention last year boss. It's not my fault you forgot half of your employees are alpha's who burn through food like nothing." I got up and wiped off the sweat from my face and chugged down a bottle of water.

I thought about for a moment. Would kitten even like to come? I'll have to ask him tomorrow then. Fuck, I need to buy a phone so I don't have to worry about remembering when to ask him stuff.

***Yes, Mew does not have a phone. He never saw the use or importance of one before entering courtship.***

I should stop by some place and find one. I'll do that after my shift ends.

I cooled down for a moment before turning back to the people that have practically been my sort of family these past few years.

"I'll ask him but that's not a yes."

They all started cheering and shouting how excited they were to meet my kitten.

I wonder if my kitten will like them?



Darling~ those meetings last so long. I sometimes regret running for president." My kitten pouted.

I chuckled and leaned off my bike before holding out the phone I bought last night.

"I finally got one kitten. Put in your number so I can have it as my first contact."

His eyes sparkled as he squealed and put in everything on the phone. He started typing and clicking and swiping all sorts of things before I had all sorts of apps and social media accounts all set up with a picture he just took of us.

"Ta-da darling! Now if anyone goes to either of our accounts they can see we're in a relationship! See."

He started showing me all sorts of things I could do with my new account before tons and tons of notifications started rolling in.

"The hell are those?"

"Friend requests! I put your account in private like mine so only people you friend are able to see the things you post and such. I also already added Mild and Boat so don't question if you see all sorts of notifications about Mild posting something. He always is especially now since he's pregnant. He's now more of a social butterfly if that's even possible."

I smiled at him doing all this stuff for me before kissing his lips. I gave another to my mark on his cheek before holding him tightly to me.

"I missed you today kitten. By the way, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to a barbeque my boss is holding for his pup. The guys I work with are so curious about you kitten." I explained.

"Of course darling! It's a celebration for their puppy! When is it?" He excitedly asked.


He gasped and playfully smacked me.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner!" He whined.

"I only found out yesterday and that was what also convinced me to get my phone. I'm sorry kitten." I placed kisses all over him towards his anger before his giggles pierced the air and his face brightened up brighter than the sun.

I was starstruck by his beauty and adorableness. We spent the next hour discussing the present for the pup and such a strange and melting thought ran through my head.

How excited would my kitten act if we had a family and puppies together. Imagining him swollen with my pup and drowning in my scent was such a turn on and yet a beautiful emotion all in one.

I really hope he will eventually love me enough to really start thinking about mating each other.

I don't know what would happen to me if he wasn't the one.


Lots of questions and emotions going on there🤭

They want to meet Mew's baby🥰

Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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