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~3rd POV~

Mew had kept Gulf in their nest for hours before he had to be released to get Gulf something to eat. His only problem is he doesn't know how he's going to do that quite yet.

Gulf is currently asleep with a death grip on Mew's shirt and his legs completely caging Mew's lower body. He was also nibbling on Mew's collarbone.

Mew stared at his cute kitten for a while when he tried to gently pry Gulf off.

He attempted to remove Gulf's leg but Gulf let out a whimper and Mew instantly left the leg alone as he got comfortable again with a tighter hold on Mew. Mew sighed and was only able to release his tender collarbone after 10 minutes of gentle kisses to get Gulf away from his neck and towards his pillow.

Mew was finally successful is escape after 30 minutes of wiggles, twists, kisses, and lots of sweet whispers in Gulf's ear.

Once Mew was standing on the side of the bed and finishing stretches to get his body moving again, he began to wrap Gulf in his scent.

When he was satisfied with his omega covered in his scent, he went downstairs to figure out something to cook.

He started to heat up some of his prepped weekly meals from his coworkers wives and boil some water for tea. He wants his kitten to have something warm calming for his nerves. Soon, the sweet scent of herbs and tender juicy meat satisfied Mew's nose.

It was Boss's wife who tried to make steak fajitas for the first time ever and Mew ended up being a taste tester once again.

When he gave back the positive feed back, she gave him two whole containers full of them. He had already eaten one but he was currently heating up the second container especially for his kitten.

He knows his kitten loves spicy food so he also took out the spicy mango salsa she made in attempts to get Mew to try spicy food.

He carefully plated everything and placed the small teapot on a tray before going back upstairs to his sleeping beauty. He pulled the curtain aside and entered his 'bedroom' to place the tray down.

Mew turned and carefully sat down on the nest before brushing aside Gulf's stray hairs.

"Kitten, it's time to wake up. Let's eat some dinner together. Kitten~"

Mew kept kissing and begging Gulf to stir awake when Gulf fluttered his eyes open and gazed up at Mew. His eyes suddenly filled with tears and he jumped up to wrap himself around Mew.

He started crying again and desperately nuzzled Mew's neck to get his fill of Mew's scent.

"Oh kitten, why are you crying again? It's okay kitten. Come here my kitten." Mew cooed to Gulf.

He wrapped his arms around Gulf and started to groom his face and neck to get rid of the tears that created rivers over the cute chubby cheeks.

He made sure to also give a few kisses while he continued with his grooming.

"I'm sorry darling. I caused you so much trouble." Gulf sniffled and whined.

Mew sighed and shook his head.

"You will never cause trouble for me kitten. I'm happy to take care of my kitten no matter what. Come, let's get some food in your belly."

Mew propped Gulf against his headboard and got him comfortable. He put the tray over Gulf's legs and blew the hot tea to cool it down before letting Gulf sip at it.

"It's steak fajitas but there's also some mango salsa of you want it." Mew explained the dish presented in front of him.

"I want." Gulf pouted and opened his mouth for a bite.

Mew chuckled and spread a bit of salsa in the fajita before giving Gulf a taste.

Gulf chewed and gleefully did a happy little dance at the delicious taste. The meat was so juicy and the salsa added to make a perfectly glazed spicy mango flavor to his food.

Gulf was happy with the food and immediately opened his mouth again for another bite.

Mew fed Gulf and let the omega feed him in return. He denied the salsa but accepted the cute kisses his kitten was offering.

"Darling, I want cuddles." Gulf cutely asked with his arms up after Mew set aside the tray.

Mew nodded and dove right back into their nest and bundled his kitten under his body. He completely bound Gulf into his arms before scenting him once again.

They stayed there and covered each other in their scents as they idly talked between grooming each other.

That's when Mew also told Gulf about what Boss told him about the extra work.

"So you'll have to be gone for a month darling?" Gulf confirmed.

"Yeah but only if you're okay with it. If you don't want me to leave then I'll tell him no. Just tell me what you want." Mew told him.

"Can I think about it darling? I don't want to make a decision right now. I want to keep cuddling and kissing you." Gulf asked while cutely butting his forehead against Mew's chest.

"Of course kitten. Whatever you want."

The rest of the evening was filled with the pair playfully fighting and covering each other's necks with dark red marks and Mew lovingly pampering his sweet baby kitten to his heart's content.

The following morning was also filled with the couple playing games and just spending time with each other and not caring about anything else outside of the home they were making together.


Double update my lovelies 😁😁😁

Even though I'm out for summer from school work, I still will be busy from going out with my family on vacation and my best friend dragging me wherever she wants😂😂😂

Enjoy the cuteness from MewGulf🥰🥰🥰

Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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