Loving Farewells

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~3rd POV~

"Darling, I came up with a decision." Gulf quietly said to Mew.

Gulf had recovered from his exhaustion and returned to class like normal. The thought of Mew leaving never left his mind. Even though he has only known Mew for some time, he can't even begin to think about being away from him for a long period of time. That's why it took him almost a week to make up his mind.

Mew on the other hand was completely surprised but temporarily put aside their food so they could talk.

"Did you kitten? What is it?"

He pulled Gulf closer to him and kept a warm arm around Gulf's waist. Gulf leaned against Mew on return before speaking.

"I want for you to go."

Mew was shocked and about to speak up when Gulf held up a hand to ask Mew to wait for him to explain.

"I want you to go but it's for you to get more work experience and possible future opportunities for you. Extra money never hurts but experience isn't something you can just buy. I want you to go for your own skills and for you take those experiences and really put it towards your future."

Mew had no words for his kitten and just held him tighter to him.

"Kitten, it's for a month. I won't be able to visit and I will barely be able to contact you because I'll be so busy and they apparently has shitty service. Are you sure kitten?"

Gulf looked down but nodded his head.

"I'm sure darling. I want you to go. I will miss you but I know you'll miss me too." Gulf said while nuzzling Mew's chest.

"Definitely kitten. Come here."

Both of them cuddled and held on to each other tightly as a silent agreement. Outside of their little bubble, unknown to the both of them, a person overheard part of their conversation.


~A few days later~

Gulf held onto Mew's waist as they journeyed to their growing home with dinner and a little cake Gulf especially made for today.

Today would be their last day and night together before Mew would leave the following morning.

Mew rolled into his garage and put down the kickstand before getting off and lifting Gulf up. Gulf pouted at this since he felt like a child being carried by his father but he cuddled closer and wrapped himself around Mew. He wants to cherish all the time he has with Mew.

They went upstairs and routinely set out dinner before sitting down and exchanging a quick kiss then eating. They were mostly quiet since both didn't know what to talk about.

We ate and cleaned everything up before heading upstairs to shower and get ready for bed. All I want to do is cuddle him for as long as I can before he leaves.

"You can shower first kitten. I'll be here waiting for you. Take your time." Mew said before kissing my cheek and walking towards the bed.


I went over to the bathroom and started the shower before stripping off all of my clothes. I stood there naked as I waited for the water to warm up when an idea came to me.

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