Back Again

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~Gulf's POV~

Okay! I'm ready to go!

My puppy is all nicely tucked in, he's sleeping like an angel, I've got my laptop out and my notes ready to go.

I'm back doing my physical classes and I get to see Mild and his puppies a lot more frequently now! We hadn't had much time to visit each other because of our puppies but now we are back to a regular schedule again!

Mild has his puppies in a stroller since he has three big growing puppies that don't fit in his arms like my tiny puppy Alex. Alex is also a premature almost 2 month old. Mild's puppies are all big healthy pups!

We kept whispering to each other about our motherhood experiences and exchanging secrets when we have short breaks to feed or change our puppies.

See, there are special classes for omegas who've given birth and still have young pups. The days are the same amount of class time but there are more frequent breaks to care for our puppies if necessary. Luckily for me, Alex is perfectly comfortable hidden inside his daddy's jacket and has easy access to his milk. My darling let us use his leather jacket today since he dropped us off using my car.

Mild and I were busy talking about our sore nipples and how we deal with it when another omega turned around towards us.

"Aren't you both the ones that were attacked by that alpha a few months ago?" She asked.

I flinched at the mentioning of him.

Mild himself nervously chuckled and nodded his head. "Yeah........the guy never seemed to understand that Gulf wasn't interested or that his pheromones would affect my puppies." He politely explained.

" was such a big deal on campus when he was attacked-"

"He wasn't attacked! My alpha was just defending me and our pup. He attacked us first and kept pushing his boundaries." I yelled while curling an arm around my puppy. My alpha didn't do anything that he didn't have right to do.

"O-oh, I didn't mean it that way! That was a poor choice of word. My alpha was in the group that crowded around him at the formal. I'm on your side! Please don't misunderstand me." She hurriedly explained.

I sniffled and nodded my head.

"Okay.....just as long as you're aware that he was not a victim of his actions."

After the small misunderstanding, she joined our conversation of sore nipples. Her puppy was a bit older than Mild's and she was slowly starting to wean her as her teeth were starting to come in.

"If you're still lactating when the baby is able to start eating baby food, I suggest you add some of your milk in the food and mixing it. The milk taste is there and the puppy is going to be more acceptable to the food. Before I added milk, she would never even get near her food." She advised.

"Oh thank goddess! My puppies are still attached and refuse to eat more than a few bites. My alpha always has to help me calm them down before they get hungry again and latch back onto my nipples." Mild whined.

Just like that, I heard a certain pup cry from Mild's stroller. Mild immediately turned to his puppy and grabbed him out and adjusted his shirt to feed him.

"I start talking about my milk and you're suddenly hungry huh? You cheeky brat!" Mild cooed at his puppy before the other two wanted in.

"Wait, I can't feed all three of you at the same time!" Mild panicked. He started freaking out about how Boat was here to give one formula before I smacked his thigh.

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