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~Mew's POV~

Things have slightly calmed down now. I have to prepare for the special test those guys want me to take to get my diploma. I don't care about studying for the test. I just need some sleep and a little love from my omega to be prepared.

But today is Saturday.

This is the day we go to our first appointment for our pup. My kitten has been fussy all morning about the sickness he experienced. Plus, he's angry at me for making him hungry all the time.

I had to calm him down with special kisses to his tummy and promises of getting lunch at Nana's.

We're currently in the waiting room for my kitten to be called in. He's been hyper with excitement for today. It's cute.

I wanna squish his cheeks and pamper his body with my kisses after we get home from lunch. I glanced down at him, watching as his lips slightly moved to silently read the words on the pamphlet he grabbed. He's leaning against me with his head on my shoulder.

The hormones are making him very touchy lately.

I brushed my nose against his temple and watched as he unconsciously snuggled closer.

I love him so much.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when I heard his named being called. He instantly stood and pulled me up with him as we made our way into an examination room.

"Darling, I can't wait to see our pup! Do you think it's going to be a boy or a girl? Can we go shopping for little things for our pup after lunch? Oh! Can we get a crib for the puppy after-?"

He was cut off by the door opening and I watched as the doctor who helped my mom with me walk in. He smiled and looked up from his clipboard before he looked up and locked eyes with me.

His jaw fell as he stood there lost for words before I got up.

He smiled again as his lips wavered before he came closer and wrapped me in a hug.

"I thought you were gone too.....I tried to find you for years to make sure you were okay but after awhile.......I just thought you might have been gone like her." He gently spoke before he started shaking.

"It's okay.......I'm okay. I just sort of disappeared after she left. I just wanted to focus on keep going day after day."

He had a small moment before fixing his composition and turning to my baby.

"I'm guessing this is your Omega?"

He greeted Gulf and my kitten answered with a hug and gave me a small comforting look.

"I'm Gulf! Mew's omega!"

They got comfortable quickly and soon enough, he was laying back with some gel on his belly and concentrating on the screen to try and focus on our pup. I sat on the side and held his warm hand before he tightly squeezed it.

"And there's your puppy...."

Never in my life, did I ever imagine that you could fall in love multiple times. My eyes kept moving back and forth over the little mass that made up our pup.


I could hear the sniffles and I watched as he kept his eyes on the screen.

"That's our puppy.....ours." He whispered.

I nodded my head and leaned down to his the back of his hand and held it against my cheek as we both fell in love with our puppy.


Today is my first day.

It's been two weeks since the appointment and I'm going to have my first day at my new job. I don't have to wear those dumb office clothes though.

My kitten made me lunch and gave me the special cookies he made last night. I put the lunch in my compartment and turned to hold my kitten's hips and rub the swell that grows everyday.

"Darling, have a good first day and don't pick any fights okay? I don't want my alpha to have bruised knuckles while picking out a crib today." He pouted and nuzzled his forehead against my chest.

He raised his hands up to my shoulders and gave me a small kiss of encouragement before pushing towards my bike.

"Okay kitten, I promise. I'll pick you up later. Remember to eat your snacks. The pup gets hungry easily. Also, I need to give my omega a gift before I leave." I smirked.

His eyes sparkled as he got closer to my bike.

"What is it darling?"

I put the sunflower I found early this morning behind his ear and scented him heavily. He purred and nuzzled my cheek before gently caressing the sunflower.

"Cheesy." He shyly blushed.

He smiled and waved as I backed out of the garage and I sent one more kiss before taking off to the location of my new job.

Boss was sad at me leaving but he understood. He knew I wanted to do this for my family. He gave me my last paycheck and a promise of visiting whenever he could.

I'm going to miss the guys.

I looked up at the tall building and glanced over the piece of paper with directions before confirming and parking my bike. I shook my head around and grabbed my lunch and keys.

I walked into the main lobby and glanced around looking for a directory. I was looking for the floor I needed before I felt someone's presence near me.

I ignored it and found the floor I was looking for and made my way to the elevators. Once I got inside one, I finally saw the guy that was following me.

He kept giving me side glances and I kinda figured it was because of my clothing choice and the obvious tattoos. I don't look like I belong here.

We got off on the same floor and I slowed down to watch him go ahead of me for a few moments before I decided to get to the office I needed to be at.

I saw the door was closed and knocked on it. I heard an answer to come on so I did.

"-he's so unprofessional and sketchy!! How could you pick up some kid from no where!!?"

I walked in and folded my arms at the sight of that guy complaining about me. He fumed and looked away from me as I addressed the other guy in the chair.

"Well I'm here. What do you need me to do?"

I already know this is going to be a shit show.

Can I go home now?


So sorry for the late update lovelies😖😖😖

Everything these past couple of weeks have been CHAOS!

I also recently started school again so there's that too😢

I'll try my best to get back to a regular schedule but please be patient 🥺🥺🥺

Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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