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~Gulf's POV~

I wasn't ready to be woken up early in the morning by my darling's pheromones going crazy around us and his body instinctively pushing against mine.

"Darling? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes but I was pushed down and my lips were captured as his really hot erection was trying to break through my pants.

Thank goodness we're both still dressed.

I think he's in rut though. We have been together for about 3 months so he probably finished his rut right before he started courting me.

I was moaning into our kiss as his scent was arousing and I could feel my hole starting to get wet. I need to stop him. My slick will drive him crazy. I need to get him to release and then get him in a bath.

"Darling, can you hear me? Can you let go?"

I was pushed down further and snarls left his chest as he reached down and ripped my shirt off. He bit down on one of my buds and pinched the other while still trying to find some way through my pants.

"Darling, please let go. I need to help you. I um...........what's something I can do?" I whispered the last part to myself.

Oh!! A blowjob! Mew taught me what it was! I can definitely give him one! I just need to somehow get him back on the bed.

"Darling~ I want to give you my mouth. Let me pleasure you darling~"

I coaxed and whispered to him about letting me suck him off while leaving kisses everywhere until I was finally able to push him back down. I gave him a big kiss on his lips while unbuttoning his pants and pushing them down because I'm positive it's not comfortable for him.

Oh my's really big. Can that really fit in my mouth? Did my darling lie about what a blowjob was? How is it supposed to fit?

I was barely able to process anything before a hand was placed in my hair and my mouth was forced open by the head of his cock. I whimpered and small little tears came out from the unexpected force.

His hips didn't stop and he was pushing more into my mouth until I was positive he was trying to get it down my throat. How am I supposed to do this again?

I tried to relax and breathe so I could think about what Mew told me.

He said you lick and suck on it like a lollipop. I moved my tongue to swipe at the very tip of it and tasted the salty substance. I heard him groan from above so I must be doing something right. I did it again and he suddenly pulled out and pushed back inside my mouth which caught me off guard.

My jaw was already getting sore but I have to help my darling.

I hallowed out my cheeks and tried sucking on it which made a small whisper leave his lips. I did again and added the lick on the tip which made more beautiful but rough sound leave him. I gave myself a pace of sucking, licking, and kisses to him when he really loud groan and snarl left him and I choked on the cum that exploded in mouth.

I swallowed a little bit of it but there was too much so I wiped it off with my poor shirt.

My darling was shivering and hard again and was trying to pin me down again but I jumped off the bed. He snarled and tried to grab me and put me back inside our nest but I backed up.

I need him to leave the bed.

I know he probably feels territorial about the nest but I need to get him in a bath.

"Darling, come get me!"

I ran around watching as he paced around the bed trying to find a way to get me without leaving the nest. I pouted and stomped my foot. Then a brilliant idea popped in my head.

"Alpha~ your omega needs you~"

I watched as his pupils completely went black in color as he suddenly launched himself towards me, determined to get me back in the nest and under his body. I ran as fast as I could into the bathroom and ran both faucets to get warm water going as Mew was focused on me like a predator.

"Alpha, won't you get undressed? How are you supposed to impregnate me dressed? Take them off." I cooed.

It worked and he immediately ripped away the clothes. I gently brought him closer and was pulled into a crushing hug and a harsh and sinful kiss. I tried to keep an eye on the water before trying to get him inside.

"Alpha, don't you need to be clean? You don't want to dirty our nest do you?"

He sniffed around and nuzzled my neck before growling as I pushed him into the water.

"Mine." He grumbled out.

"Yes, I'm yours darling. Now get in."

I scrubbed and bathed him to cook off his body and helped him jerk off one more time before getting him out of the bath. I took me a long time to coax him into boxers before being carried to our nest and scented like crazy.

I let him do it since it's something he needs to do or he's going to lose his mind from not being able to mark me and have his scent intertwined with mine.

I was almost put to sleep by it before I felt him trying to rut against me again. I hissed at him in warning unexpectedly but he snarled back at me and let out large amounts of dominant pheromones. He tried to penetrate me over my shorts again but I moved my body to get him between my thighs.

Thighs are close enough.

I can let him do that and help but I'm just hoping he'll fall asleep afterwards.

I pulled my thighs together and let him get off against my skin before my tummy and shirt was painted in his cum again.

Aow, now I don't have a clean shirt.

I watched as he got really drowsy and plopped down next to me and got really possessive by pulling me under his body and renewing his scent on me.

I sighed and pouted at his big baby behavior but finally fell back asleep to cherish the moment of peace before it starts up again.

This is going to be a long few days.......



That happened

The next chapter will be after his rut finishes

Gulfie is prepared to care for his darling.....sort of.

Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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