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~Mew's POV~

I'm so fucking bored!!!

It has been three days since I've laid eyes on my kitten and he's been miserable and in pain and I can't do anything about it!

I just want to return my kitten to my arms and do something with him!

I've literally been working, fixing things around my place, sometimes sleeping through class, and absentmindedly driving around just trying to pass the time until my kitten's heat is over.

I fiddled with the lighter I have been gifted by my precious kitten until a brilliant idea entered my mind. I should get another tattoo!

I haven't gotten a new one in 4 months. My most recent one is the snake wrapped around my wrist with its head resting on my hand.

Hmmm......but I don't know what to get. I should think on it some more.

Ughhhhh..............give me back my kitten!

I rolled over on my back and stared at my ceiling when a new brilliant idea came to my head.

I should make my kitten's next gift!

I'm pretty good with my hands so making a gift should be pretty easy.

But what to make for him?

I let my eyes wander around glancing at everything in my room before they settled on the rocks I've just collected over the years. My mom used to collect them. If she ever found a pretty rock she'd grab it and bring it home to add to her collection. Then I just kept collecting rocks for her.

What if I make a little necklace for him?

I sorted through all of my rocks until I found the one I'm going to work with. It's a simple quartz rock I found about a year or two ago but if I manage to work with it enough, I can make it look like spherical at least.

I think I could place it inside a gear I have laying around somewhere in the garage and put it on a chain.

That seems simple enough. It shouldn't take me too long especially since I'm bored.

Let's get started.


"You're the alpha Gulf's going out with?"

I raised my head from my arms trying to clear the blurriness from my vision to see who's talking to me.

"Who's asking?"

"His best friend's alpha."

"Mmmmm.........what's his name again.....Mild right? That's your omega?"

"Yep." He confirmed.

"Then yes. I'm the alpha courting my kitten."

I glanced around myself to figure where the hell I am. Oh right, I was dozing off in the library because I had nothing better to do.

"So what do you want?"

I leaned back and stretched my body before locking my hands behind my head and properly locking eyes with this alpha.

"Well first off, since we will probably being seeing each other a lot more because of our omegas, I should introduce myself. I am Boat."

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