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~Gulf's POV~

"Darling~ come out. You need to get out of our nest." I cooed.

A snarl left his chest and I sighed as he tried to reach out to grab me and probably try and get me back in the nest. It's day 2 of his rut and it's been troublesome since he keeps trying to get me naked. After our first nap from the first wave of his rut, I was taken by surprise since he ripped my clothes and tried to get himself through my underwear blindly.

It felt really good as he kept rubbing off on me.

I'm happy I give him pleasure. It makes me and my inner omega feel happy and satisfied with our work. I just wish we had been together longer......that way neither of us would be in pain. I would be able to take better care of my alpha.

"Darling, get out of our nest please. I promise it's safe. Look, no danger or threats. I'm lonely out here. Come hold me darling."

I held out my arms trying to get him out but he kept growling and trying to find new ways to get to me.

I didn't want to have to do this but I guess I'll have to pull my emergency card.

I sighed and mentally prepared myself for my actions before turning to him and walking backwards. I glanced around trying to find something to help me with my plan before my eyes settled on the small area near us cluttered with parts and such.

That'll work perfectly.

I went over and made myself trip over a big looking gear when I unexpectedly cut my arm with another part laying next to it. I hissed at the burning sensation when I heard a loud growl and then felt warm strong arms lifting me up and taking me back to the nest.


We need out of it!

I struggled against his hold and tried to wiggle out of his arms but he just held me tighter. He laid me down and lapped at the blood slowly trickling down my arm.

He finished with his healing and then squished me under his body as he nibbled and kissed my neck before trying to once more get me naked.

Well, that was a fail.


"Gulf! You don't know how dangerous that was!! I could've hurt you or even raped you!! I could've forced you down and marked you against your will!! Do you not understand how stupid that was?!"

I sniffled as I watched a finally sane Mew pace around with growls of frustration and lots of curses leaving his mouth.

"I-i- just w-wanted to help. I d-didn't w-want you to b-be a-alone."

His body turned sharply to face me.

"It's not about that Gulf! I could've hurt you! My rut was not something I wanted you to deal with anytime soon! Fuck!!"

I watched through teary eyes as he threw things around until he had a cigarette in his hands and the lighter I gifted him lighting it. Sour and bitter pheromones from him emitted into the air around us as I tried my best to cover my nose with his natural scent in our nest.

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