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~Gulf's POV~

I'm glad I told Mew it was fine to leave for the month. If he hadn't, then he would be all alone while I was busy with student council and the winter formal. Instead, now we are both busy and distracted from the time apart.

It's been 2 weeks since we've been apart. Half of the time has passed already.

Of course, I still feel the loneliness and pain from being away from him but I know he also feels that.

I blankly stared at the printer while it stained paper with its ink to make the forms for the Winter King and Queen.

We've spent a lot of time designing this and it looks perfect. I handed off the fresh stack of forms and let another lower member take them and leave with others to start pasting them on walls throughout campus.

I hurried away and help another group with agreeing on ordering the decorations.

Why can't people just compromise!

I groaned and hit my head against the table while taking a deep breath.

"Listen! I said compromise and agree so if there isn't an agreement and you are all holding hands then we will have a serious problem! Find a solution!" I finally snapped.

I left the room for fresh air and found a vending machine to get a drink to calm myself.

I groaned and slid down to sit against a wall. My head leaned on my knees and I wrapped my arms around my legs to keep myself in a tight ball.

I didn't even realize I was even crying.

I only realized it when my sleeves were wet and my scent was gloomy and sour.

I want Mew.

I want to cuddle with him and rant about how stupid people can be.

How hard is it to agree and make decisions all by yourself at this age?

I took in deep calming breaths and relaxed outside for a few minutes. It's going to be okay. When you get home, you can stress bake and give all of the rewards to yourself and Mild. Hmmm, brownies don't seem that bad today.

Oooh, what about Oreo brownies with a special sweet dip?


I laughed at myself and smiled.

I'll be fine.

Let's go back and continue.


"Please bestie~ just a quick taste!" Mild begged.

We are currently in my kitchen and I'm mixing the brownie batter while making sure my chocolate is melting properly.

"This has raw eggs Mild. That's bad for my nephews." I explained.

He whined and pouted while groaning to his belly.

Now that Mild is nearing 5 months, the puppies are really really starting to grow. His belly is so big and soft. He only has another month left before he's due.

***Pregnancy lasts 6 months in this story***

"Ow son of a bitch!" Mild screamed.

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