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~Mew's POV~

I felt his wiggles before I heard his cries. Alex started whimpering before little cries left his tiny mouth. I curled around him and gently brought him into my arms. He looked up at me with his big glassy eyes as he whined. I didn't see my kitten in bed though.

I shook sleep away and brought him closer to my chest before sliding out of bed. I got a fresh diaper and went back to bed so I could change my little Alex.

After being clean once more, he cooed and gurgled as he glanced around himself. I smiled at my son and then carried him once more but instead of going back to sleep, I traveled downstairs where I could smell my kitten at.

My feet hit floor again as I walked into the kitchen. My baby was there preparing something to eat before he turned around and saw us.

"Alpha! Oh, did I wake you two up? I'm sorry, I just got a bit hungry." He apologized.

"No kitten, I think he's just hungry. I was going to make him a bottle. Keep eating while you can." I assured him. We eat and sleep when we can, doesn't matter what time it is.

"No, I think I'm good to feed him. Here, hand him over. I've eaten so my milk should be good right now." He set down a bottle of water to lower his shirt before taking Alex and settling him against his chest.

Alex was quick to latch on and start eating. I went over and picked up his plate to help him finish his meal while Alex ate too. Alex only drank for a little while before he dozed off still suckling on my kitten's chest. He adjusted Alex and lightly pat his back until he burped. I took Alex back so my kitten could put away everything and come back to bed with us.

We went back upstairs and quickly set down Alex in his tiny nest. We curled around him and I grabbed a blanket to cover us. I got comfortable and shut my eyes again.

It was quiet for a bit until I heard my kitten call for me.

"Darling? Do you think he's okay?" He quietly mumbled.

"He's fine? He sleeps and eats okay kitten. He's a little small yes but he's here with us kitten. Right here, sleeping in the perfect nest you made for him to sleep in." I comforted him. I just hate it when he starts feeling anxious or uneasy. It makes me start feeling tense and on guard.

"No like...do you think he's healthy? I just feel.....anxious something else might happen to our puppy. He was born premature and is still so small. Something was wrong with us at the dinner. I'm just worried that....it'll come back.....that something will hurt him again. You can understand me right?" He whimpered as tried explaining his thoughts to me.

I gently shifted in our nest to move next to my kitten and hold him from behind. I made sure he was secure and relaxed in my arms before speaking.

"Yes, I understand you baby. If something happens to either of you again....I will take care of it. If whatever was wrong in the first place occurs again, we can figure it out together. I promise this to you and our puppy. I don't want anything else to happen to my family. Rest for now kitten. I've got you." I promised. I kissed his nose and then nuzzled the soft flesh under chin. I kept my body curled around his as he gently turned to groom my skin near his mating mark.

"Thank you for understanding darling. I trust you with my everything. I love you darling."

"I love you too kitten." I bent down to kiss my mark on his body with my lips as his delicious and happy scent filled my body.

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