Second Date?

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~Gulf's POV~ delicious. Smells nice. I like it.

I nuzzled closer to the beautiful scent flowing like clear water through my senses.

My eyes slowly fluttered open and quickly glanced around before settling on my homemade cuddle buddy. I purred in delight of waking up like this before I heard a small buzzing from my doorway. I reluctantly left my nest and scampered over to the door to answer the personal intercom on it.


"Ah! There you are Gulf. You didn't answer the first time so I was about to send away your visitor thinking you were still sleeping."


Why would I have a visitor?

My mind still muddled and hazy answered back.

"Who is it?"

"He said his name is Mew. Do you want me to send him up?"



"Uhh, yeah please send him up! Umm, tell him the door is unlocked so he can just come right in!"

"You got it Gulf!"

After finishing that I ran around finding an outfit and making sure I was presentable for Mew. I quickly rinsed my face and brushed my teeth with lightning speed before making sure I smelled nice and fumbling into my clothes.

I flumped onto my bathroom floor after facing some difficulties with getting my foot through the leg hole.

I heard a quick rapping sound outside and called out.

"Come in! I'll be out in a minute!"

I hurriedly finished dressing and left my bathroom to find Mew standing right in the middle of my dorm.

He wore a black tee that showed off the art decorating his paler skin. Dark thorns wrapped around the entirety of his right arm with some of them colored as if they punctured his skin. A beautiful angel rested on his left forearm, sleeping on a bed of clouds with a baby in her arms and a pair of dates under it. I wasn't able to read the numbers before Mew looked at me.

"Hi kitten. Aww, did you get all dressed up for me?"

I unconsciously nodded my head before a furious shade of red blossomed in my cheeks.

"Hi Mew! I-i just didn't expect y-you this early. I'm sorry for sleeping in. I thought I had an alarm set."

He waved it off before coming closer to me and pulling me into a warm hug. My nose dug into the crook of his neck and my arms wrapped around his shoulders.

"It's fine kitten. I didn't tell you when I was going to pick you up. That was bad planning on my part."

"I-it's fine! I don't mind."

Mew kept a tight hold on me and took his time taking in my scent. I locked eyes on my bed and a really hot feeling entered my chest.


"Yes kitten?"

"Will....will you....cuddle my nest?"

I don't know if it's too early to ask him to do something like that. Maybe I shouldn't have asked....

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