First Date

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~Mew's POV~


My kitten is really adorable.

He's clinging to me while riding on my bike. He's wrapped in my scent and he likes it. He has my courting mark on his cheek.

My precious kitten.

Yeah I know I didn't do the traditional thing of asking him out and he also probably has no idea why I even want to court him.

I'll tell him later after we eat.

I'm going to give him a simple dinner date at one of my favorite places to eat. It has good food, nice drinks, and it's cheap! Also, the nana that cooks there makes delicious ramen. I really hope he likes this place.

It was only a 10 minute drive and I stopped right across the street from the rows of food stalls and restaurants. I kicked down the stand and got off to assist my kitten down. I carefully lifted him off and took the helmet away and watched as he shook his head around, fluffing his hair back to normal.

He gazed up at me and beamed a beautiful smile before squealing.

"Wow!! That was so cool!! We were going so fast and wind felt so nice!! The helmet is a little heavy but it was still such an amazing experience!!!"

I chuckled at his amusement and excitement before wrapping my arm around his waist.

"I'm glad you liked it kitten. Come on, we're going over here."

I walked across the road with him and guided him towards the back, passing by other restaurants and stalls before arriving at the one I was taking him to.

"Where are we? I've never been here before."

His eyes scanned around and watched food being cooked in awe before excitingly scooting closer to me to urge me in.

"I come here a lot to eat. They have the best noodles I've ever eaten and lots of options for people to choose from."

"Really? Let's go! I'm getting hungry."

I waved at nana busily cooking and sat down at my usual table before handing my kitten a menu from the side of the table. He took it and his eyes widened at the choices as he skimmed through it.

"Wow! There's so much to choose from and it's inexpensive! How did you find this place?"

"My mom used to work around here. While she worked, I would wander around exploring wherever I went and eventually found nana's stall. She fed me and I eventually became her unofficial taste tester."


"She's owns the stall. I just always called her that."

He nodded his cute head and kept reading the menu when nana came over.

"Mew! You haven't been here all week. I was starting to think you got sick you little brat!"

Nana scolded me and placed her hands sassily in her hips. I got up and leaned down to pull her into a hug.

"Sorry nana. Things have been busy at the garage so it's been difficult to find time to come out here and eat."

"Hmph! Excuses. Now, do you want your usual order? Oooh, what about this little cutie over here? What's your name sweetie?"

He flushed from the attention and politely bowed before her.

"I'm Gulf ma'am."

"Ohoho! He's so polite! Call me nana sweetie. that a....COURTING MARK?!"

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