New Knowledge

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~Gulf's POV~

"Darling, why don't we go get some ice cream? Ice cream is the best medicine for crying. No one cried while eating ice cream. Come on darling. I don't want to see you crying anymore. It's hurts me here." I begged while patting my chest.

I've been trying to calm him down once again but he's still so sad.

My poor darling has suffered so much....

I need to give him the happiness he deserves!

"Kitten......why can't we just stay in here? I don't want to go out."

He firmly nuzzled me and wrapped my body closer to him. He even latched his teeth slightly on my collarbone, nibbling on it like a bone but not biting.

Yeah, we aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

I returned his affection and let him cuddle up to me as much as he wanted. My darling deserves all the cuddles. He eventually found peace and stopped crying but still clung to my chest like a newborn puppy.

We stayed in his bed for a large portion of the day, just cuddling and sometimes talking to each other. Just learning more things about each other. Sometimes lazily sharing sweet kisses until our lips were swollen.

I don't want the weekend to end.


"Damn Gulf! That's huge! What the hell were you two doing this weekend??" Boat exclaimed. Mild smacked his shoulder and opened his arms for a quick snuggle. I returned his snuggle with passion before sitting down next to them.

"Well, we did lots of things this weekend but this was a bit of an unconscious accident. That's besides the point though. Did you guys do anything exciting over the weekend?"

Mild and Boat kept glancing at each other and speaking with their eyes before Mild groaned and faced me.

"Well.....we did get some good news over the weekend. Remember how I told you that I wanted bunches of babies with Boat after graduation and our mating?" He said.

I arched my brow and nodded my head.

"Yeah....Boat keeps saying he will breed puppies into you until you cry and say you don't want anymore."

Mild blushed and pinched Boat's shoulder before forcing out a small smile.

"Well and Boat are........we're pregnant....."

My jaw dropped to the floor as I gasped. Oh my goddess.....Boat finally got him pregnant.

"What?! When?! Why?! Oh my goddess! You're pregnant Mild!! Congratulations!!"

Mild blushed and patted his belly.

"Thanks Gulf."

"How far along are you?" I asked.

"Almost 4 weeks. My first appointment was Saturday."

"Awww. Are you and the baby healthy right now? You are being safe right? Boat, are you being gentle with my bestie?" I questioned.

Don't blame me. I want to be a pediatrician. It's habit.

Mild chuckled and nodded his head. "The baby and I are fine. Everything is good. And yes, Boat is being very gentle. By the way.....have you made any of those chocolatey mint cookies lately? I've been craving them crazy recently."

"No but I can make some today. How much should I make you?"

"Hmmm, maybe like 4 dozens? That should be enough for the baby." He mused.

"Only 4? My bestie eats 2 by himself. I'll make 5 just to be sure."

Mild stared at me with such an appreciative expression before tearing up.

"What did I do to deserve such a bestie??! Oh, my puppy is going to be spoiled by their uncle!" He cried.

I went over and gave him a nice warm hug and a quick nuzzle. I also gave Boat a hug for congratulations before Mild pushed Boat away from me.

"Don't taint my bestie with your hugs! His hugs are only for me and the baby. Shoo!"

Both of us burst out laughing and we enjoyed the light and happy atmosphere around us. We all went to my place later to have a while baking session of making cookies when I could smell my darling coming towards the door.

I leaned over and opened it to tackle him into a warm hug before kissing his lips.

"Hi kitten. Did you miss me that much?"

"Of course darling! Hurry and come in. We're making cookies for Mild and his puppy."

"His puppy?" He asked confused.

"Yeah, me and Boat are pregnant Mew! Come in so my puppy can get used to their other uncle!"

Mew froze and was thrown of by Mild's words until Mild took his hand and guided him towards my little couch. They say down while Mild let Mew touch his belly and talk about all the different names he was already thinking about. I smiled at the sight.

My darling needs more people in his life. Mild will be good for motherly affection especially since he's pregnant now.

I am determined to let my darling get used to affection and other relationships and people besides me at school. This is my mission for my darling and I will not fail. I will do it for his mama so she can see her puppy isn't alone and he's happy.

I promise.


Surprise!! Mild's pregnant!!!🎉🎉🎉

Gulf will be doing his utmost best to try and get Mew to open up and let people close to him☺️

Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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