~Baby Boy~

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~Gulf's POV~

Bright light invaded my eyes while they slowly blinked sleep away. I groaned and turned by head away from the light only to meet the bare chest of my darling. I smiled to myself feeling his arm around my hip and his leg between mine.

We finally have a day off together so we can stay in bed as long as we want. I snuggled closer to his naked warmth and closed my eyes again ready to fall back asleep.

But....maybe we actually can't stay in bed as long as we want.

Alex started whining from his crib, demanding attention to be directed to him. I opened my eyes again and leaned away from warmth to stretch out my sore body. I crawled over to the edge of our bed and saw my puppy holding his arms out. I reached my arms out and picked him up before placing him against my chest. He sniffled and buried his face closer as he calmed down.

I chuckled and kissed his head before talking to him.

"Good morning Alex. Did you have a bad dream?" I rocked him and nuzzled his baby soft hairs.

I only had a small whine as an answer.

I heard sheets rustling before I felt warm hands brushing my shoulders and wrapping around us.

"Good morning beautiful......good morning birthday boy." His morning voice mumbled.

Yes, today is Alex's first birthday. He's made it to 1 year.

"Good morning darling."

I felt his lips press against his mark on me and his arms tighten.

"Are you sore kitten? Any pain?"

I blushed and covered Alex's ears before nipping at his hand.

"Hush you pervert! Alex can hear you! And yes.....but I'm fine." I whisper yelled at him.

"He won't remember what I said kitten. Come on, let's get dressed. I don't think our Alex will appreciate us being naked while we change his diaper."

"No, he needs a bath. He fell asleep early last night. Besides, we need one too. We reek of.....you know." I mumbled the last part.

"No kitten, I don't know. Why do we stink?" He teased.

I reached behind me and pinched his nipple. He hissed and rubbed at it before nibbling on my neck.

"Grab us clothes and his special towel. I'll meet you in the shower."

I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I shifted Alex to one arm and used the other to start running the water. I carefully unzipped and removed his onesie. I checked the temperature and adjusted it before removing his diaper.

Since we're taking a shower, I'm putting his shower hat on to avoid water splashing in his face. I checked the water again and hummed in satisfaction when Alex was lifted from my arms.

"I'll hold him kitten while you wash him."

Mew held Alex in his arms while I started rubbing soap over his tummy. His little face scrunched up and he waved his arms around trying to "help" wash himself too. Once he was all soaped up, I quickly rinsed it off him and washed his hair.

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