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~Gulf's POV~

I don't know how Mild did it but he had made my darling fall asleep and even lay down in my nest. He's gently snoring away while accepting the head rubs Mild is giving him.

I smiled and then put in the trays of cookies in the oven before setting a timer. Now I let these bake and then Mild can eat as many as he wants. His tummy needs to be fully satisfied.

I started to wash all the used dishes and set them to dry before joining Mild next to my nest. My darling is so cute and handsome while sleeping.

Mild and I had light conversations about anything until the timer went off for my cookies. I bounced up and hurried over to get them out and set them on the counter before transferred them to a cooling rack. Mild was salivating at the smell of the cookies and tried to bite into one but it was too hot for him to enjoy.

"It huwts Guff~ too hawt."

"Silly Mild. Come here, drink a glass of milk. Just wait a few minutes and then you can enjoy your cookies."

He nodded his head as he sipped on his milk. Mild and Boat began discussing their next appointment for the puppy while I climbed into my nest and snuggled up to Mew before relaxing.

"Mild, you can eat your cookies after 5 minutes. They'll have cooled down by then. Enjoy them."

"Yay! Cookies!"

I smiled while stuffing my face of Mew's scent. I love his scent. I was so distracted by my darling that I didn't notice the change of direction of their conversation.

"It's not my fault you gave me a blowjob! You're the one who asked if you could do it at the party!" Boat cried.

"Oh so it's my fault we're pregnant now?! Wow! So blame it on your pregnant omega!"

"No! It's just that I didn't initiate that time and I just really liked how you wanted to do it so badly I just gave in! You know I love you and I won't ever blame you for anything!"

Mild sniffled and burst out crying before hugging Boat.

"I love you too!!"

Ah, pregnancy hormones.

But...what's a blowjob?

"Mild, what's a blowjob?"

Mild gasped and his face flushed a bright red before stuttering."W-well....basically it's w-when-".

"Shush! Don't ruin his innocence baby!"

"Hey! Don't you shush me mister!"

I watched as they bickered back and forth when I felt Mew rustling behind me.

"Kitten, why's it so loud?" His voice was laced in sleep making it sound much deeper than usual. I turned and patted his head to try and ease him back to sleep.

"They're fighting about why they shouldn't or should tell me what something is."

"What is it. Maybe I know." He mumbled while nuzzling my neck.

"What's a blowjob?"

Mew lurched up and looked at me in utter confusion.


"What's a blowjob?" I tilted my head to the side while waiting for him to explain it to me.

"W-well... usually someone will go down in their knees in front of their partner and if it's a male.....then you just take his penis into your mouth and then you.....suck and lick it kind of like a lollipop."

Oooh....... interesting.

"Thank you for telling me darling!"

"Sure kitten. What smells so good?"

He sniffed the air before I saw his tongue flash out and wet his lips.

"I made chocolate mint cookies. Do you want some?"

"Sure kitten. I don't think I've ever had those type of cookies before."

"Okay, wait here."

I jumped up and ran to get him a glass of milk and a plate of cookies before returning and handing them to him. He gratefully took the plate and took a bite of the gooey cookie before smiling.

"They taste so good kitten. I'm going to end up eating all of these if I'm not careful."

He dipped it in the milk before taking another bite. I giggled as he enjoyed his cookies and laid his head in my lap.

"Wow, my kitten is a fantastic baker. They are just so good and gooey and so yummy."

He kept showering my cookies with praises and giving me kisses every now and then to show how much he liked them. My darling is so cute. He ate the whole plate I gave him and patted his tummy before curling back up into my chest.

"This is a fantastic day kitten. Now I get to take a nap before going to work."

He gently lulled back asleep and I looked back at Mild and Boat cuddling while sleeping on the couch. I smiled in content and went down with my darling to join him for a nice nap.

My darling was very right. Today is a good day.


Mild and Boat didn't want to ruin poor baby Gulf 😂🙈

Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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