Chapter 19

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Katrina's P.O.V.

I wake up with a raging headache. I reach over reaching for my phone when my hand grazes over a piece of paper. I pick it up.

Hey Katrina

You were pretty drunk last night so I decided to put you to bed. There should be some aspirin next to this note so take some and rest. I'll be back around twelve so we should talk then.


P.S. a package came for you

I set down the note down and sigh. I'm not ready to face him. But I look back. A package? I look at the ground next to the bed and see a shoe box. Who would anyone send me shoes? I lean over and grab the bottle of aspirin.

I take a few pills and stand up. I grab the box and set it on the bed. I open it and see sticky notes and I remember. When I was younger I used to write something on a sticky note that happened that day and place it on my wall. But who sent them? Probably cody. I take them out and start to stick the most recent ones on my wall. Only about 20 out of the 100s that were there. I grab a sticky note from my desk and wrote something on that.

I cheated. And Dan told.

I take it off the pad and stick it on the wall. It made me smile. It's nice to let your thoughts out. I admire my wall when I hear a soft knock on my door. I look and see it's being pushed open by James.

"Can I come in?" He asks

"Ya" I say softly as he walks in.

"What's this?" He asks pointing to the sticky notes on the wall.

"It's a long story. But maybe you could help me add to it if you forgive me"

"Look, Katrina, I think that it'd be best if we would just stay friends" he says.

"Ok" I say and we hug. He starts to walk out but stops.

"Why was he here?" He asks

"What?" I ask

"That night when you guys, you know" he trails off "why was he here in the first place"

"I-"I clear my throat "I can't tell you that" I say

"Why?! I mean you fucking cheated on me for God sakes! The least you owe me is why he was hear!" He says angrily.

"I can't!" I yell

"Why not!!" He screams back.

"You know what" I say softly. "Why don't I just show you" I say. I start to walk to the basement door. I open it and walk down the stairs.

"I didn't know you had a basement" he says

"No one knew. There was a reason for that" I say and turn on the light revealing the hanging noose. I hear him gasp. "So one day I could do that" I say. I start to cry. I fall to the ground. "I was gonna do it. If Dan hadn't shown up if be dead." I say and I feel his arms rap round me. "I wish he didn't come" I say

"No no don't say that" James says with true sympathy.

"Why shouldn't I. All I do is fuck things up" i say " it meant nothing you know" I say

"What? " He asked.

"What me and Dan did meant nothing to neither of us. I was sad and he was just being nice. I was numb and needed to feel something" I say "not that it's gonna change your mind. I just thought you should know" I say

"Let's go" he says and carries me up stairs. He sets me on my bed. "I'm sorry" he says

"It's not your fault" I say

"Ok" he says and walks out. As I hear the front door close. I start to cry. I grab my phone. I dial Mitch's number and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I hear Mitch say.

"How long will it take you to get here?" I asks still sobbing.

"Katrina what's wrong? And I can't afford to go anywhere right now. Jerome Lachlan and I just moved into our apartment in Florida." he says and I think.

"Well then I'm catching the first flight to Florida"


Hey guys. I hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry it's a little late.




Love ya bitches


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