Chapter 44

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Katrina's P.O.V.

A sudden flash of cold came over me. I shoot awake to feel I'm soaking wet.

"Wakey wakey princess" Andrew says. I realized I had been put a chair in my sleep. Mathew stood at the front of the room behind Andrew with Ashton just to watch. "im sorry I woke you up just to put you to sleep" he says pointing a gun at my face. All of the sudden someone comes busting through the door behind him.

"Boss!" He says panting Andrew looks back "FBI, back stairwell!!"

Just then the doors behind me open. I turn around and see I assume would be SWAT coming in telling everyone to get to the ground. Everyone in the room takes out there guns and points it at a cop. Andrew grabs me and puts me in a choke hold and puts the gun to my head.

"I'll shoot her" he says "put your guns down"

"Can't do that" one says.

"Alright, your decision" he says. I then feel a sting in my shoulder. I look over and see that some cop had a big enough gun to shoot through my shoulder and killed Andrew. Bullets started to fly and I fall to the floor. I see out of the corner of my eye Mathew running out, but I didn't see Ashton. I crawl to the wall and fallow it to the cops. One leads me down the stairs and to and ambulance.

Dans P.O.V.

We hear shots being fired. Everyone was scared. We had moved away from all the cars because the paparazzi showed up. We saw someone running out of the building towards us. I noticed that it was Mathew. He didn't notice us. He looked back at the building to make sure no one was following him. As he did that I stepped in front of him and grabbed his shirt and punched him.

He fell over unconscious. Crash slung him over his shoulder and we walked to the cops and handed him over. Then cops started to pour out of the building, each having a person cuffed with them. I then see her.

Katrina was limping out of the building, two cops helping her. They took her to an ambulance because it looked like she got shot. She sat on the edge while a medic patched her up. Cops come and question her. I run to her but I'm closed off by paparazzi.

Katrina's P.O.V.

I catch a glimpse of Dan before I'm swarmed by paparazzi. They start throwing questions at me.

"Did you know to two men?" One asks. I start to push through the crowd trying to get to Dan but answering their questions on the way.


"What were they planning to do to you?"

"Kill me I guess" I say. I finally see him. Knocking some people over on the way I got to him.

"Katrina!!!" He yelled to me. I got to him and kissed him. I can here the click of cameras go off. I pull away and put my forehead to his.

"I missed you so much" I say tears pouring from my eyes.

"I missed you to" he says and we smile. I kiss him again.

"Let's go home" I say and we try to push through the crowd of paparazzi.

"Katrina! Katrina! Can you give us a statement!!" I hear some one yell. I'm fed up with this so I stop.

"Fine I'll give you a statement." I say angrily. "I hope you've got your cameras ready" I say sarcastically." They locked me in a room with nothing for two fucking days. I didn't get food or water. They fucking punched and kicked me. And the only time I was taken out of that room was when they were going to fucking kill me. I just fucking escaped what I was the inevitable. I just fucking cheated death, I got fucking shot, and you people, are out here reminding me of the most traumatizing moment of my life. Do you people have no soul? What if your parents died and after their funeral someone comes up to you and goes 'remember that time your parents died'. It would fucking suck." I say angrily and pause "so how'd you like that for a fucking statement? Now get the Fuck out of our way" I say and we all push past them.

I meet up with all the others and we hug and cry together.

We all walk back to my place. I immediately run to the fridge and pantry and start to eat like a pig.

"I forgot how good food was" I say with my mouth full of pasta. Everyone chuckles.

"Why don't we throw a welcome back party?" Felix suggests. Everyone agrees.

"Guys you really don't have to do that" I say.

"No it's settled. Thursday we will have our 'welcome home katrina' party" crash says.

I giggle not bothering to argue.

"Ok so Dan and katrina you don't have to do anything but we are going to have it here so you two have to get out of the house for the day. Felix and Hannah, get food" crash directs. "Carrie and Cody, get decorations. And I'll be in charge of bringing the guests, I'll even invite your neighbors!" I roll my eyes at his enthusiasm.

They all start to leave. It's just me, Crash, Bri and Dan.

"I think I'll head home" Crash says. I walk him to the door. He turns around and hugs me.

"I'm glad your back" he says into my hair.

"I'm glad to be back"

"I love you" he says in a friendly way.

"I love you to" I say and he walks out. I turn around and see Dan scolding me. "awe is someone jealous??"


"Trust me Dan your the only guy im looking at" I say "physically and metaphorically" I say enthusiastically. He laughs and kisses me

"Sorry to interior your little make out session but I need a ride home" Bri says.

"Ok, I'll take you home just let me grab my coat" I say. After I grab my coat we head out to my bike I which I haven't used in a while. "if I crash dont sue me" I say.

She gets in the back and I drive her to dads house. Before she even gets inside dad sees and runs to give me a hug.

"Oh baby I saw the news are you alright?" he asks

"Ya dad I'm fine just a little bullet wound" I say motioning to my arm. "Bri's been staying with Dan because he was upset."

"That's ok" he says "it was nice seeing you sweetie."

I drive home and when I get there Dan was watching tv. We both end up going to bed. I fall asleep to his scent and embrace.


Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter




Love ya bitches


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