Chapter 38

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Katrina's P.O.V.

As I walk through the white lobby of what looks like a skyscraper, I'm already in awe. Everyone here is dressed so nice. I feel bad thinking I'm going to see an apartment In this almost prestigious place and I'm in a crop top and skinny jeans.

We walk to the elevator and step in. Dan stands behind me on my left side and another business man behind me on my right. As we are almost to our floor I feel someone on my right side grab my butt. The doors ding and open but before I step out I gasp and slap the man in the face. I step out and the elevator doors close leaving him in awe. We were at the top floor I wonder why he didn't get out. Probably going to a lower floor. I look over and see Dan doubled over laughing.

"What's got you laughing?" I ask.

"I grabbed you're ass" he says I gasp and punch his arm "oh come on it was funny" he says.

"If you guys wouldn't mind, I'd like to show you the apartment" Janet our agent says we nod and follow her in.

As we walk in I'm in awe. The furniture with concrete floor. The granite counter tops and brick walls. I head into the living room to see a huge window that over looks the city.

"So what do you think?" Dan asks.

"I....I..." I'm at a loss for words. "I love it" I say tears threatening to spill from eyes. I allow a couple to roll down my cheek.

"Awe babe are you crying??" Dan say rushing over to me engulfing me in a hug.

"It's just so perfect" I say into his chest. "But how can we afford it??"

"Well the previous owner died, not in here, but she owned it for along time and she wanted it to be put on the market for a low price so a couple that usually wouldn't be this fortunate would be" Janet says. "So are you guys ready to sign"

I look at Dan and he nods. I then look back and Janet and I nod.

After signing many papers we officially own the place. She gives us our keys and leaves.

I go and lean against the window and look out in awe. I feel his arms wrapped around my waist. He starts placing kisses down my neck.

I turn and start making out with him until I feel my phone buzz. I take it out and see that an alarm I had set to record went off is with to my camera and start to vlog with Dan.

"Hey guys it's Katrina and I'm hear with Dan"

"Hello!!" He chimes in.

"And you'll never guess where we are?!?" I say and pause "in our new apartment!!!" I say

We start to record a bunch of crazy stuff like jumping on the bed and chasing each other around. We were in a middle of a chase when my phone rang.

"Wait wait wait wait Codys calling me" I say. Dan stops chasing me and I answer my phone. "Hello?"

"Katrina, Carrie is having the baby" he says and I hear Carrie scream in the background. "Please hurry" he says and hangs up.

"What was that all about?" Dan asks.

"Carries having her baby" I say grabbing my stuff "we got to go" I say and we run out.

After about twenty minutes of what Dan calls "torture" and what I call running we arrive at the hospital. We ask the receptionist where they are and she tells us. When we arrive we see Cody pacing outside.

"Hey" I say

"Hey" he says

"How are you holding up" I ask.

"Ok I guess" he says.

"Do you know the gender?" I ask

"No we wanted it to be a surprise. It'll be nice to see the new member of the family" he says and tats reminds me of Bri.


Has Bri even met Cody. Omg she hasn't!!

"Cody I've got to go" I say

"No don't leave!" He says.

"I'll be back soon" I say and run out. I run to her house and knock on the door.

"Katrina? What are you doing here?" Bri asks when she opens the door.

"Grab your shoes were leaving, no time to explain" she nods and we both run to the hospital.

"Why are we at a hospital?" She asks

"Because your brothers wife is giving birth" I say

"I have a brother?" She asks. I nod. When we get back to the room I point out who Cody is and she immediately hugs him. He is dumbfounded by the girl hugging him.

"Um Katrina? Who's this?" He asks

"Your sister" I say and he looks at me shocked. Bri pulls off of him and I explain. They start to get to know each other and I start to talk to Dan until the doctor comes in to say it's time.

After some screams from Carrie a beautiful baby boy was born. They decided to name him Harry.

After a few hours of visiting Dan and I had headed home. As soon as we get home a slip on an ankle length black dress and head the the cemetery.

I see James' moms service going on. James is at the podium giving his speech. I sit in an empty seat up front with another empty one next to it hoping it's his. After he finishes he sits next to me. I see a few tears slip from his eyes and I grab his hand interlocking out fingers.

After the ceremony everyone starts to leave.

"I didn't think you'd show" he says

"I wouldn't miss this for the world." I say. "I have to get going though" I say and give him a hug. He kisses me on the head and I leave.

I'm exhausted when I get home so I tell Dan about the ceremony and head to bed.


Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter.




Love ya bitches


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