Chapter 31

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Jerome's P.O.V.

As I turn down the flame on the stove I start to set the plates of food on the table.

Today was mine and Mitch's 4 month anniversary and I had prepared a nice dinner for when he came back from where ever he was. We kept our relationship a secret for two months and we now mark the day we have been able to kiss in public and do whatever for two more months.

As I set a candle in the middle of the table and step back to admire my work my phone rings. I see Lachlan's contact come up so I answer.

"Hey Lachlan" I say

"Hey Jerome, I have some, news...bad news" he says and I get concerned.

"What is it? Are you ok?" I ask

"Ya I'm completely fine, it's Mitch" he says

"What happened?! Is he hurt?!?" I ask worriedly.

"No he's fine, but, it's just, you know how I told I was heading to a bar with some friends?" He asks

"Ya" I say confused.

"I saw Mitch there and he was making out with some girl" he says and I feel my heart break.

"I-i" I was unable to speak tears starting to pour down my face.

"I'm really sorry Jerome I'm on my way home, I'll be there in five. Hold up I got to go" he says ending the call.

I slam my phone on the table causing a glass cup to fall and shatter. I put my back to the wall and sit down next to the mess of glass. I grabbed a shard and squeeze it in my hand. I bring it to my arm and start to cut my skin. When I realized what I had done I drop the piece of glass and realized I had carved 'Mitch' in my arm.

I hear the door knob jiggle but I continue to ball my eyes out.

"Jerome!" I hear Lachlan yell as he runs towards me. He runs and grabs a towel and starts to clean my wrists.

"I thought he loved me" I say crying into his shoulder as he wrapped my arm in bandages.

"Jerome it's gonna be ok." He says. He helps me stand up "you know what you should do? Go freshen up and put on your best clothes. Look so smokin' he won't be able to resist you, then, break his heart. Make him feel like you feel now" he says and I give him a slight nod.

I go and take a shower and put on some nice but casual clothes. I walk down to see Lachlan watching tv. I step in front of him.

"How do I look?" I ask him.

"Wow, if i wasn't as straight as a ruler, I'd bang you" he said and I laugh. As I had finished laughing we here the front door open. I see Mitch walk in and he walks to give me a kiss but I move so he can't. I cross my arms over my chest.

"Lachlan would you give Mitch and I a moment to talk, alone" I say not breaking the glare I had set on Mitch. I hear Lachlan get up and walk up the stairs.

"You look great" he says "i see you've made an anniversary dinner, but I'm hungry for something els" he says sexily as moves towards me reaching for my waist

I step back continuing to be as silent as mouse.

"What's wrong?" He asks and I just continue to stare at him. "Happy four month anniversary? Did you seriously think I would forget?"

"You're an asshole" I say

"Woah what?" He says

"'Going to work'" I say with air-quotes
"Is that code word for going to cheat on my boyfriend with some slut"

"Jerome, babe, what are you on about?" He asks innocently.

"Don't play innocent you piece of shit, Lachlan saw you making out with a girl at the bar" I say

"Look, Jerome, I can explain"

"Oh I'm sure you can, but its a matter of I want to listen, and I don't." I say. "I know exactly what it is. You, Mitch, the player, is afraid to settle down. You hit on every girl you see and have probably slept with most of them. You hit on Jessica, Katrina, and even my girlfriend at the time. I honestly thought I could change you" I say starting to feel tears form in my eyes.

"You're right" he says and my eyes widen "I am afraid. I love you Jerome, with all my heart. And I was afraid that if we settled down, I wouldn't be able to let go of hooking up with girls every other day. To be honest I thought I wouldn't be able to give it up and I tried hooking up with multiple girls. But I didn't sleep with any of them"

"I highly doubt that" I say

"But it's true. That girl Lachlan saw me with. I made out with her and she wanted to go further but I couldn't. The only one I want to go that far with ever again, is you. So after I told her no I went and bought this" he says pulling a small velvet box.

He opens in to show a ring and gets on one knee.

"Jerome Robert Aceti, you are the only man for me. I want to give up my bad habits and settle down with you. If you would give me a second chance I can prove that I love you an-" I cut him off.

"Don't tell me you love me with her spit still on your tongue" I say filled with rage "Hurt me once, shame on you. Hurt me twice, shame on me. I wont let my stupid self make that same mistake twice. goodnight Mitch" I say turning and walking away. "Trust me if we could pay rent without you, I'd have you move out in a heart beat" I say walking up the stairs and crying myself to sleep.

Mitch's P.O.V.

I really screwed up this time. God dammit! Why do I have to be so stupid? I love him so much and I want to be with him. I'm not giving up. No matter how hard it is I will prove to him how much I love him. I want hi- no - I need him more than I need air.


Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter. I know this really wasn't a fan and Katrina chapter. I kinda want to lean away from that sometimes just so you can see what is going on with other characters. Leave a comment if you think this is good or bad.




Love ya bitches


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