Chapter 32

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Katrina's P.O.V.

"Babe???" I whine

"What?" Dan says

"Can you get me my phone?" I ask lazily

"Why can't you get it?" He asks

"Because it's so far" I say "it's been ringing off the hook" i continue "pleeeeaasssee"

"Fine" he says and grabs my phone. He puts it in my out reached hand and I get answer.

"Hello?" I say

"Katrina *sniff* could you hop on skype?" I hear Jerome ask

"Yes yes of course what's wrong???" I ask concerned scrambling to get me computer set up.

"I'll explain just please video chat me" he says desperately.

"Ok I'm calling you" I say as I see his face pop up. His eyes were red and puffy tears pouring out. "Jerome what's wrong?" I ask full of concern.

"Mitch cheated on me" he says

"Whoever it was I wanna bash his face in" I say angrily. Jerome is suck a sweet guy. How could Mitch even think of cheating.

"She" he says

"What?" I ask

"He cheated on me with a girl"

"What?!? I thought he was gay" I say

"So did I!!!" He says "when I told him i knew he said he never slept with her but Lachlan saw them making out at a bar, and then he tried to propose"

"Why the fuck? He breaks your heart then proposes???" I say shocked

"Ya" he says whipping more years from his face.

"So where is he now??"

"He's here because he pays the majority of rent always on time so we can't kick him out. I think I just have to live with it" he says confidently. I could tell he wasn't crying anymore and there were no more tears on his face. His eyes slowly turned white in stead of red.

"Well I sure you'll get over it. He obviously doesn't deserve you" I say.

He was about to say something but was cut off by Mitch walking in.

"Oh hey Mitch! We were just talking about you! All bad things asshole" I say crossing my arms.

"You told her?" He asks Jerome

"Of course I told her" Jerome says in defense.

"Oh ok" Mitch says looking down "Lachlan wants you downstairs" he says walking out.

A minute after Mitch walked out I got a text from him.

You're right, I don't deserve him. Sorry

Was all it said.

"Look I got to go I-" Jerome starts

"What did he say?" I ask.


"When Mitch explained the situation to you, what did he say?" I ask again

"He said that he was a player and that if he settled down with me that he wouldn't be able to let go of his old ways and he was to afraid to hurt me. He tried to hook up with girls but he couldn't because the only one he ever wanted to go that far with again was me. He said that the girl Lachlan saw him making out with wanted to go farther but he stopped her and went to buy the ring" he explained. My opinion starts to sway. What if Jerome should forgive be Mitch?

"Jerome, you know Mitch better than anyone in the world. So you probably know when he's lying. When he was talking to you, were you looking in his eyes?" I question and he nodds yes "when you looked in his eyes did it look like he was lying?" He shakes his head no


"Jerome let's look at the pros and cons of this situation. Con, he kissed another girl. Pro, he never slept with anyone. Con, he kissed multiple girls. Pro, he admitted it before you had to find out all for yourself. Con,....i can't think of another. Pro, he realized you're the love of his life" I say

"What are you saying?" He asks

"I'm saying that the pros to this situations out weigh the cons. You should talk to him. You don't have to forgive him but talking to him will at least make it less awkward between you" I say


"Ok what?"

"I'll talk to him and tell you how it goes" he says sighing.


"I guess I'll do it now"

"Ok sounds good oh! Don't forget, you three have to fly down for my wedding next month-ahh!!" I scream in horror. Dan comes rushing in.

"What happened I heard a scream??" He asks

"I don't have a dress" I say. "And I don't officially have bridesmaids" I say

"I'm gonna go" I hear Jerome say before he shuts off his camera. I start to hyperventilate.

"Babe, babe, calm down why don't you do it right now?" He says and I calm down.

"I'll do it tomorrow" I say "right now I need to sleep" I say and walk to my bed. I lay down and he starts to walk out. "Wait" I say and he turns back around "cuddle with me?" I ask and he happily nods.

He gets in bed and I almost immediately feel something press on the back of my leg. I realize it's his boner and I turn to him.

"Really? You've been in bed for all about ten seconds and your little friend down there is already not cooperating?" I ask with a smirk.

"Well I can't help it if you're just so god damn sexy" he says kissing my shoulder.

"I love you" I say

"I love you to princess" he says

"Princess?" I ask

"Ya, you're my princess kat" he says

"And you're my prince boner" I say and we both giggle.


Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter.




Love ya bitches


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