Chapter 22

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Mitch's P.O.V.

"I-I'm sorry. Did you just say you needed bail?" Jerome asks

"Just come down to the station I'll explain everything" she says and hangs up.

"Shit guys we have to go" Lachlan says.

We start to walk there.

"Lachlan you like her don't you" Jerome says

"What no I don't" Lachlan says obviously lying.

"Oh really what happened to 'come on we don't judge. I don't judge'" I say in a mocking tone

"I was just being nice" he defends

"So whyd you kiss her?" Jerome asks

"I didn't kiss kiss her. It was just a peck on the cheek" he says "and besides I don't date criminals"

"We don't even know if she's done anything it could just be a mis understanding." I say and they shrug.

We arrive at the police office and ask for the bail amount.

"Bail?!" The clerk says "that girl is gonna need a lawyer and a damn good one"

"Well can we see her?" I ask and she directs us to her. She was hand cuffed to a chair.

"Guys you're here!" She says. "I assume you know"

"Why do you need a fucking lawyer" Lachlan asks

"I have a few warrants for my arrest. But no one will take my case so their flying a square down from London." she says. "I think I can go home if the lawyer gets here today"
Before we could carry on the conversation she was taken to what I assumed was an interrogation room.

There wasn't much that we could do so we went home.

Dans P.O.V.

I walked in the police station waiting for my boss. As I see him walk out he directs me to an interrogation room. He stops before I go in.

"Howell. I'm gonna need you to not fuck this up. There's a reason I had you fly down from London for this. No one will take her case and I made a promise to her dad when she was only and infant to protect her" he said.

"Ok? Why will no one take the case?" I ask adjusting my tie.

"She's kind of a delinquent and ran from the police. She treats no one with respect" he says "no one really wants to deal with her"

"Ok" I say "sir with no disrespect I know nothing about this girl. I don't even know her name or what's she's done" I say

"Here's her file" he says handing me a folder. "You'll have plenty of time to get to know her" he says. "Here court date is next week make sure she's there" I walk into the room.

I knew who it was just by her hair.

"Katrina?!?" I ask surprised. She was cuffed to the table.

"Dan?!? What are you doing here? Why are you in a suit? And is that my fucking file?!?" She asks. I open the folder and it was! She's the delinquent that no one takes.

"I'm-" I stutter." I'm your lawyer" I say

"Ha! Very funny Dan" she says and I sit across from her.

"I'm serious" I say

"But your not a lawyer" she says

"I am certified. I used used to work for this law firm but they moved here and I didn't have the money to move so I quit" I say.

"No. I refuse to work with you" she says

"I'm all you got. No one will take your case. It's either me or jail time" I say and I can see her jaw clench.

"Ok this'll just have to work. But can we keep this strictly professional?" She asks and I nod.

"Ok let me look" I say scanning the file. I look at the warrants. One was for man slaughter!! But they had no prof so they couldn't put her in jail.
"Katrina what's this about man slaughter?" I ask

"When's my next court date and what about?" She asks

"Next week and the shop lifting cases but Katrina th-" she cuts me off

"I knew the clerk at the store he always let me take free liquor. He didn't even call the cops because I was taking it. It's because I wS drunk and he didn't want me on the streets" she says. I start to take notes. " We'll talk about that case when we get there" she says.

"Ok where are you staying" i asks

"Just call Mitch. I'm staying with him so he'll come and get me" she Says

Katrina's P.O.V.

I can't believe Dan is my fucking lawyer. I hope he's a good one.

We walk out to grab my things but Dan is holding them because they can't un cuff me until Mitch is here.

"Can you grab the two things out of the left side pocket of my coat?" I ask Dan and he does. He pulls out a lighter and a pack of cigarettes. "Give me one" I say

"You're not allowed to smoke in here" he says and I give him a disappointing look.

"I don't play by the rules" I say

"When did you start smoking?" He asks

"Since whenever I want to. Now. Give. Me. One" I say and he puts one between my lips. He flicks the lighter and lights the cig. I take a whiff and part half of my lips to let the smoke out. We see Mitch walk up and they un cuff me. I put take one more whiff of the smoke and flick the bud on the street letting the smoke out slowly.

Dan hands me my stuff and try's to hand me the pack of cigarettes and lighter but I refuse.

"Keep them. It'll help take the edge off" I say and walk out with Mitch.

"So when did you start smoking?"

"Since I got caught up in this shit" I say

"And where is my car?" He asks

"A place where I don't want you going" I say

"And why not?" He asks

"Damn you ask a lot of questions" I say and we both giggle. "It's not safe. I'll get it you head on home" I say we part our separate ways.

I walk to the bad side of town and manage to snag the car without being seen. When I get home everyone is already asleep so I take a quick shower and head to bed.


Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter. You're welcome for two chapter in one day.




Love ya bitches


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