Chapter 1

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"What do you mean you won't take the case?" I demand as I stare across the desk at my last hope to help my father

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"What do you mean you won't take the case?" I demand as I stare across the desk at my last hope to help my father.

"I'm sorry Miss Anima, I cannot take your father's case."

"But-but on your website it says you do pro Bono work."

I plead as I lean closer to the man and try to think of anything else I can say to change his mind, I have nothing to offer him save for the few extra dollars I have from tips.

"I do pro Bono work, yes Miss, but your father's case is indefensible and there's really nothing I can do."

"But you're the best lawyer in Chicago." I protest as Mr Wigmore stands from this chair, signalling to me that this meeting is over- his decisions has been made.

"And my father needs the best."

"I'm sorry Miss Anima, there's really nothing I can do."

I reluctantly have to stand as his hands usher me from the office- I have to do something, without this lawyer, my father's fate is set.

"Wait-" I exclaim as I reach the threshold of his office, "how much would you need to take the case!"

He pauses and looks down at me with sympathy for a moment before looking up at the ceiling. I smile hopefully up at him, I know this man isn't a bad guy, he's just trying to make a living, but even so he's literally deciding on my future.

"I would need at least $7,500 to make the time and man hours worth it, ok?"

My heart plummets down into my chest as the impossible amount rings about my ears, he might have well as slammed the door in my face.

"Thank you," I say with a sigh before pulling my scarf tighter around my face. He goes to speak again but I'm already walking down the corridor and away from him. His answer is never going to change and right now I'm late for work.

Sighing, I bite my lip to try and keep the tears from falling in front of the receptionist and interns but as soon as the frigid wind of a Chicago winter hits my cheeks, the tears run hot rivers over my skin.

I frantically swipe at my eyes in my gloves as I swiftly walk down the street and towards the diner where I work. Luckily my boss isn't the strictest woman in the world, all I need to say is I had cramps or something and she'll let me off with a pat on the back for being late.

Even though I will only miss the start of my shift by a few minutes, I walk quickly down the street. With my heart pounding and tears streaming down my cheeks I try to regain control of my emotions but it's hard, really hard.

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