Chapter 13

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"Everything will be fine, Duskana

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"Everything will be fine, Duskana." Cole soothes as we stand outside of the bleak and terrifying looking prison as we wait for my father to appear.

Even though Jeremy said it would be the next day, the paperwork took longer than expected so it's been two days since the meeting where Jeremy saved my father from wrongful imprisonment.

I nod my head weakly and turn to face Cole, pressing my face into his shirt covered chest, I hold onto him to hide the trembling.

As we stand here, waiting for my father, I suddenly realise just how much tension and anxiety I have been holding in my chest over this whole thing, now it's gone, I feel like I could fly.

Looking down at the watch on my wrist, one Cole bought for me, I see it is gone twelve.

"They told us he would be released at twelve." I question to Cole nervously, looking up at him as he looks down at me, smiling gently.

"It'll be fine baby, it's only two minutes past."

I nod my head, reluctantly accepting that he's right. Smiling, I raise to my tiptoes to try and kiss my husband, luckily he gets the message and bends down to kiss me.

The sound of an electric gate being opened and a buzzer causes us to spring apart. I spin and see my father standing before us.

"Dad!" I squeal and rush towards him, he holds his arms out, smiling at me.

When his arms wrap around me, I can't help the tears that fall. This whole nightmare is over.

"My Duskana." My father laughs through his tears as we pull apart to look at each other only to hug again a moment later.

"I've missed you so much, dad." I murmur to him before giving him one last squeeze before pulling away.

I beam over at him as I walk back to Cole and slip my hand into his. I can tell my father is taken aback by the image of me and him together, it's only been a month and I wasn't exactly dating anyone when he left.

"Whose this, Duskana?" He asks in confusion as he steps towards us.

"Oh this is Cole he's my uhhhh..."

"I'm her husband."

I whip my head around to look at his smug expression as he reaches over to shake my father's hand. My father accepts but I can tell he doesn't really understand what's going on.

"Look," Cole continues to speak, commanding all of us like he knows we are both to overwhelmed to make decisions our selves, "there's a lot that needs explaining but I'm guessing you're desperate for some food that didn't come from a prison canteen, am I right Rian?"

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