Chapter 25

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As soon as Cole appears in the gynaecology ward, carrying me, all the nurses assume I'm in labour and dash towards me

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As soon as Cole appears in the gynaecology ward, carrying me, all the nurses assume I'm in labour and dash towards me.

"No, no it's her ankles!" Cole speaks over the chaos, "they're hurting her too much."

"Cole," I murmur soothingly, "there are some chairs over there, just put me down while we wait for my appointment."

"Absolutely not," Cole replies, everything about him is alpha male and dominant, "I'm taking you to the doctor now."

"Cole." I whisper in his ear, "you need to calm down. I'm fine."

Cole grumbles but begrudgingly sits down on one of the waiting room chairs. I try to slide off his chest and sit down on my own chair but he grumbles something unintelligible and keeps me on his lap.

His hands are clutching at my abdomen protectively and I realise that this is the most hands on his been with the bump yet. I look down at his hands and even though they dwarf my bump and are covered in tattoos, there is something innocent and pure about this.

"Duskana Anima." My doctor calls out and then walks over to me with a smile, "I hear you're having some trouble walking."

"It's her feet," Cole blurts out panically, "they are hurting her."

"Ok well," I notice the doctor glancing down at my ankles but her expression gives nothing away, "let's get you in the room, somewhere more private, yeah?"

"Yes please," I smile gratefully at her and I can feel Cole's hands gripping my bump, it's like he can't bare to take his hands off me for a minute.

"Ok great, I'll have a wheelchair brought out for you."

"It's fine, I can carry her." Cole offers and I sigh, resisting the urge to mentally facepalm this ridiculously possessive man.

"Oh, ok." The doctor looks a little startled, not only because this is the first interaction she has ever had with Cole, but also because I'm guessing this is the strangest appointment of the day.

Cole stands easily with me still in his arms and follows the doctor. I say a small prayer that we are the only ones in the waiting room.

"Are you ok, sweetheart," Cole asks gently as he places me on the medical table and gives me a little kiss on the forehead.

A part of me hopes that Cole and I can just pick up where we left off. Even though the realistic part of me knows it's silly, when Cole does things like this it's easy to forget.

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