Chapter 24

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"I uhhh, have a doctor's appointment this evening

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"I uhhh, have a doctor's appointment this evening." I offer after a moment of us standing, looking up at each other.

"Can I, can I come?"

"Sure," I shrug and then shift in pain on my feet. "I need to sit down." I mumble making Cole spring into action, he lets go of my hips and then supports my back as I walk to the bed.

"Your feet," Cole eyes my ankles with a look of horror, "do they hurt?"

"Yeah," I nod my head, "pretty much all the time."

"How can you walk on them?" He asks, gingerly sitting on the edge of the bed.

"It's not great to be honest."

"Look," Cole stands from the bed and looks at his watch, "what time is the appointment again?"

"In about," I glance at my phone, "an hour and a half?"

"Ok, I'll go and bring a car around. I'll be back in plenty of time to pick you up."

I sigh in relief and beam up at him, for a moment it feels like nothing has changed.

Heartbreak can be easy to forget when the heartbreaker is smiling at you.

Then the moment crystallises and crunches beneath the feet of a phone call. Cole swears brutally and I make a mental note to remind him about swearing around the baby.

"Mother," he answers and cold water is thrown down my spine.

"Fuck off!" He snarls before hanging up and shoving his phone into his pocket again.

"I'll be back as quick as I can."

I nod my head, looking down at the palm resting over my bump. When I look up, he's already gone, the door swinging. I remember the last goodbye we had, and how different it was to this one.

By the time I realise I'm crying, the tears have painted patterns across the white cloth.

"So," my father leans on the doorframe, but keeps his distance, giving me some space, "what happened?"

"His mother, she uhhh, she orchestrated the whole thing. It was her who threw me out of the apartment and said those things and not Cole."

"Well that certainly explains how out of the blue it was," he nods his head slowly and walks towards the bed, "but why didn't he come and find you?"

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