Chapter 5

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Cole leaves me at his, I guess now our, apartment where I'm going to meet his mother so we can go wedding dress shopping- we need to take a photo to announce to the media about our secret, surprise marriage

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Cole leaves me at his, I guess now our, apartment where I'm going to meet his mother so we can go wedding dress shopping- we need to take a photo to announce to the media about our secret, surprise marriage.

I'm already dreading it. Cole's mother, Vivian, is intimidating to see walking down the street, let alone when you're going fake wedding dress shopping with her.

I get the feeling she already doesn't like me. After all, I wasn't even one of the candidates she chose for her son, I'm poor, barely educated beyond high school and nothing like those skinny blondes she wanted.

When Cole left to keep working, all I wanted to do was beg him to take me with him, even paperwork would be better than what's about to happen.

I sit on the sinfully comfortable sofa and flick through a book I found on Cole's bedside table. Truthfully, I'm too nervous and distracted to read anything.

I'm finally put out of my misery by a sharp, formal knock at the door.

Getting to my feet, I quickly move to the door and open it, attempting to give her a smile.

"Hello." I say and smile at her, she briefly looks up from her phone before frowning. My mood immediately gets even worse than I thought possible.

"Let's get going then." She says dismissively before turning on her ridiculously high heels and walking down the hall.

I quickly stumble after her, she's a good 9 or 10 inches taller than me in those heels and my legs aren't very long either way.

She doesn't even wait before stepping into the elevator, I have to run to make it in before the doors close on me. This has been a very long, very stressful, very surprising day and this is about the last thing I can cope with today.

I'm confused when I watch her press for floor number 12; I thought we were going shopping?

"I thought we were going shopping?" I bravely ask through the chilly frost of the elevator.

"Hmmm," she looks at me distastefully, "well I already orders a few dresses yesterday- I can just pick the one I like."

I don't pick up on the fact she said I instead of we, life is too short and Cole's mother is far too scary.

When the elevator doors open, I practically gasp in some fresh air in relief. We step out into a large, well lit room which is completely empty save for 3 mannequins with white wedding dresses on them.

Swallowing, I can tell even from this distance that these dresses will never fit me, and it feels deliberate.

"Well," she bustles into the room and claps her hands. A door opens and five stylish women and men walk in and immediately start bustling around me, most of them shaking their heads and pulling at the hem of my skirt.

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