Chapter 18

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"Come on Dusk, baby

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"Come on Dusk, baby." My dad pleads as he tries to drag me out of bed, "it's been two weeks and I know it hurts but this isn't healthy."

"I-I just can't stop it hurting."

My dad sighs, let's go of my leg and then sits beside me on the bed.

"I know you can't, but it will get better."

"Will it? Because all I can feel right now is his absence, dad, I can't make it stop."

"Come here," my father pulls me into his arms as I begin to cry for the millionth time in the past two weeks. I was never much of a crier, but after Cole it's like something in me has broken.

"What can I do, dad?" I ask between my heavy, juddering sobs.

"Whatever you can do to feel better, what do you want to do, Dusk?"

"I want to go and see Linda and Amy," I finally admit, "I need to see if I can get my job back."

"You don't need to worry about a job right now, Duskana, you need time to heal." My father protests but I shake my head, wiping my eyes.

"No, you're right, I need to move on and laying here isn't helping."

My father still looks unconvinced as he eyes me but I shake my head and attempt a feeble smile for him.

"Dad, I need to get dressed, go out and think about something other than Cole."

"I think you mean have a wash, then get dressed." My father teases making me chuckle and fain being insulted.

"Ok, ok," I finally admit, "I could probably do with a shower as well."

"Whatever you think, love." He teases before he leaves my room to go to work.

Sighing, after I get out of the shower, I suddenly feel very hot and light headed. I slump down on the edge of the bath in my towel as I wait for the heat and dizziness to pass, I must have been in the shower too long.

After a few minutes, I feel well enough to stand and walk down the hall to my bedroom. I dress in a pair of jeans and a jumper, but not one I would normally choose for this time of year, I still feel a bit hot and bothered and the idea of wearing anything heavier makes me feel panicky.

I really hope Linda and Amy are happy to see me, I haven't been the best friend to them the past two months, but I need them now.

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