Chapter 12

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Cole's hands hold me close to his chest, I'm sure he can feel my heart thudding greedily against his palm as his length skims my thigh teasingly

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Cole's hands hold me close to his chest, I'm sure he can feel my heart thudding greedily against his palm as his length skims my thigh teasingly.

One of his hands moves from innocently from holding my stomach to cupping my breast.

"Cole..." I moan out as he pulls and teases my nipple gently. The warm water and his touch create a burning ache in my core.

"Let me make it up to you, sweetheart." Cole whispers as he lightly tugs the shell of my ear with his teeth as his distracting hand slides down my stomach and cups between my legs.

"Mmph..." I whisper when he dips a finger between my folds to slowly circle my engorged clit.

Gasping, I throw my head back against his shoulder and begin to pant as he slides a finger into me.

"M-more," I beg as he slowly thrusts the finger into me, curling it until it touches a spot in me that makes my toes curl and my muscles spasm.

"You like that, sweetheart?" Cole growls in my ear as he adds another finger and begins to suck and nip at my throat while I whine and grind my clit against his palm.

"I-I'm so close." I squeal out as I feel my orgasm marching towards me. Cole doesn't change the rhythm or the speed of his thrusts, he allows my orgasm to tingle through my body in deliciously pulsing waves that engulf all my thoughts and relaxes my muscles.

After my body stops twitching, Cole gently pulls his fingers out and kisses a above my ear.

"Hmmm," I hum happily as I rest my head against his chest, my eyes closing heavily.

"Apology accepted." I mumble as I lick my dry lips.

Cole chuckles and begins to dutifully wash my body while I bask in his attention and my post-orgasmic bliss.

Once the water begins to cool, we get out of the bath and Cole wraps me in a towel which has been warmed on the towel rack.

Seriously, I hope everyone is as lucky as I am to have someone who cares about me like Cole does.

"We have a meeting with my lawyer in half an hour." Cole explains as we walk into the bedroom and begin to get dressed.

"Why?" I ask nonchalantly.

"Because he's working on your father's case." Cole continues and I stumble over as I attempt to put my leggings on.

"What?" I exclaim, he's really going to help my father?

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