Chapter 14

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"I love you too dad, I'll pop round to see you tomorrow

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"I love you too dad, I'll pop round to see you tomorrow." I hang up the phone after hearing his reply and turn the show I'm watching back on.

My father has been free and home for the past two weeks, even though Cole and I offered to let him have the spare room at our apartment, he wanted to go back how to our flat. Understandably, he needs space right now to recover from his traumatic ordeal, I visit him every other day at least and he's definitely doing better.

He's already got a job, a better paying job, meaning that now with a little help from Cole, we can afford the flat and my dad has some disposable income to spoil himself with which he definitely deserves.

Sighing, I pull the blanket over my body as I try to focus on the show. Suddenly my phone pings with a new news article. I reluctantly reach up to the arm of the sofa and look at it.

Only the headline is visible on my notifications but it certainly grabs my attention, and not in a good way.

Is Cole Eros already fed up of his new bride?

Breath shaking, I reluctantly press on the article and my screen is instantly filled with the image of Cole walking down the street with his arm around a stunning, model like blonde.

The tears bubbling in my eyes as my eyes scan the text but the words blur and I give up reading anymore. It hurts too much.

I stare at the picture again and it insights a rage inside of me, how could he betray me like that? And so publicly? He's humiliated me after everything we've been through and all his words about us being in love.

Storming towards the elevator, I press the number eleven and it takes me to the floor where Cole's office is situated.

"Out of my way." I demand as two guards attempt to stop me as I leave the elevator. I shoot them with a look that clearly sends them a warning as they stand down and let me pass.

"What the fuck, Cole!" I shout as I slam  his office door shut, he's on the phone but from my display of temper he quickly hangs up the phone.

"What's wrong, Duskana?"

"Don't you fucking speak to me in that calm tone! You've fucking humiliated me! Lied to me! Screwed me over! How could you Cole!"

"Sweetheart, I really don't know what all this is about, talk to me."

I frantically unlock my phone and shove the news article under his nose. Cole's expression remains confused until the words and images sink in, then his face falls into realisation.

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