Chapter 6

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At ten to seven someone knocks on my closed office door- I look up from my computer and call out

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At ten to seven someone knocks on my closed office door- I look up from my computer and call out.

"Come in!"

Cassian opens the door and quietly closes it behind him, he knows about my love for privacy. Another reason why I chose Duskana, her social media platform is nonexistent, from what I can see she only has a few friends from a diner, no one high profile enough to care about me or breach my privacy.

"You need to be home by seven tonight." Cassian says as he stands before my desk, arms folded in front of him in his training stance.

"Why?" I question as I type up Duskana's last name to see what comes up about her father.

"Because, and I'm just guessing here man, Duskana is going to cook you a meal."

"Really?" My eyes fly up in surprise to look at Cassian and see if he's kidding. I mean sure, I know I told her that we had to pretend to be in love and married, I just didn't expect her to take it so seriously.

"Yeah, also, take it easy on her man. I think your mother has been..." he trails off as if deciding on the right word to use when talking to his boss, about his boss' mother.

"Your mother has been, your mother to her."

"Oh... shit. Yeah, I'll deal with it. How did she seem?"

"Better than most people are after a run in with Vivian, but I really don't know her that well."

I nod my head and sigh, rubbing a hand through my hair. This whole situation is fucked up and I can't help but feel bad about bringing another person into this whole fucked up company.

"Look man, I have to get back to work now. But don't be late."

"Thanks Cas, I'll be there."

He nods and turns, leaving my office and me to my thoughts. There are thousands of responses from the name Anima and none of them look good.

After a brief amount of time spent reading the articles and even the police report, I discover that Duskana's father is being held pending trial because of fraudulent claims.

Apparently, he embezzled over a million pounds from the company he worked for, he's being held without bail because a judge deemed him a flight risk due to the amount of money he apparently has in an offshore account. Just from that limited amount of information I'm calling bullshit.

Sighing, I lean back in my chair and survey my office. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch sight of the clock on my wall and realise I need to leave now if I'm to be back home when Duskana is expecting me.

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