Chapter 19

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"Dad," I say as I place our dinner in front of us on the table, "I-uh need to talk to you about something

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"Dad," I say as I place our dinner in front of us on the table, "I-uh need to talk to you about something."

"Sure Dusk, what is it?"

I take a deep breath, I can't believe this is actually happening to me right now, and that I have to tell my father. I can already see the disappointment in his eyes.

"Dad, I'm uhhh, well I'm pregnant."

Dad doesn't say anything for a moment, he just nods his head as he chews a piece of food.

Finally, as I begin to feel physically sick as I wait for his answer, he swallows and clears his throat.

"How are you feeling about it, Duskana?" My dad asks gently, clearly still processing the information.

"I-I don't know. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to confirm the pregnancy and talk about options and stuff."

My father nods again before reaching over the table and taking my hand in his.

"Whatever your decision is, I will support you regardless."

"Thank you, dad." I nod my head as I feel a choked up tear bubble in my throat, these damn hormones.

"Will you come with me tomorrow?" I ask as we continue to eat our meal, both of us reflecting and digesting the news.

"Of course, you couldn't stop me." Dad smiles supportively at me and I finally feel like I can take a slightly deeper breath than moments before.

"Come on Duskana! We'll be late! We'll be late." My father calls from the door as I scramble to finish getting dressed.

No matter what my father says about supporting my decision, I know how he feels about this baby. His reaction this morning and excitement couldn't be faked, he's excited to be a grandad.

"Ok, ok, I'm here, I'm here." I pant as I appear before my father who rolls his eyes at me. My father loves being punctual, and I'm not great at it, together we make sure that we neither arrive early or late.

As we sit in the doctor's office, my knee begins to shake anxiously, until dad gently covers it with his hand.

"Everything will be ok, Duskana, whatever happens, you've got me with you."

"I know, dad," I hum happily as I rest my head on his shoulder, I didn't sleep well last night. I was woken repeatedly by images of tiny, screaming babies, no need to read anything into that.

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