Chapter 16

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I attempt to resist the urge to check my phone again as I wait to here from Cole

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I attempt to resist the urge to check my phone again as I wait to here from Cole. It's been four days since he left and I've been calling and texting him non-stop, I just haven't heard back from him yet.

Part of me worries that something is wrong with him, the other part worries that there is something wrong with me.

He's had three days of freedom.

Maybe he's found someone he likes more?

Someone more attractive?

Or wealthy?

Or educated?

Someone who understands his world better than I ever could....

These horrible thoughts and anxieties have been swirling in my stomach making it cramp painfully.

Reluctantly, I pick up the phone again and see there is a text. Excitement and relief flows through me as I click on the app, but it all comes crashing down as I see it is a text from my father, not Cole.

Hi sweetie, do you want to come to mine for dinner tonight?

Yes, I'd love that xx

Groaning, I throw my phone across the sofa and walk away from it. I'll take a shower, wash my hair, do my makeup, make myself feel better, and then I'll check and see if he's texted.

No, I won't check because I don't care. That is obviously bullshit because I love and miss him more than I ever thought possible.

A shower and a futile attempt to block my bad thoughts later and I return to the sofa and my dreaded phone.

It's been over an hour and there is still no reply to my desperate pleading message asking him to contact me.

One day is being busy.

Two days is being careless.

But three days? That has got to be a choice.

Anger burns in my chest as I snatch up the phone and begin texting.

Cole, you piece of shit! Either you message me like the mature, decent man I thought you were or I go to the press and tell them our marriage was a lie...

I hesitate and then swiftly delete the entire message. I don't mean it, sure I'm pissed but I don't want to lie, I know our marriage isn't a lie and I don't want to say something in anger that could fuck up my future.

Instead I type a carefully restrained message that highlights how pissed I am, but still presents me as a mature woman, capable of making sensible decisions.

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