Chapter 26

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"Just wait here, baby," Cole wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead, "I'll deal with my mother

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"Just wait here, baby," Cole wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead, "I'll deal with my mother."

The last few days have been just like old times with Cole, except for the addition of our baby.

"She won't hurt us again, will she?" I ask nervously as Cole looks down at me.

"No, I will never let her hurt you again, I promise."

Smiling, I look up at him from the bed and make whining noises.

"What is it?" Cole chuckles as I make grabby hands at him.

"I want a kiss."

Cole leans down and captures my lips in a gentle kiss which is over all too soon. Then, he bends down and rubs at my bump, talking to it lovingly before giving it a little kiss.

"How are those feet?" He asks, still eying them warily. The last few days, my feet haven't touched the floor. Cole insists on carrying me to the bathroom and I have been having a daily bath, something my muscles have greatly enjoyed.

"They're ok, better now, thanks to you and your diligence." I tease before wincing when I feel a sharp kick to my stomach.

"What's wrong?" Cole's hands are instantly pressed to my stomach and worry crosses over his face.

"Nothing, he's just kicking."

"Oh," Cole huffs in relief and rubs where the little foot is sticking out of my stomach. "Hello little foot."

When the sound of the elevator doors opening fills the penthouse, we both freeze.

"It'll be ok, sweetheart, nothing will change our little family now."

Cole quickly leaves the room and I hear his footfalls down the stairs. Then I hear his muffled voice, but it sounds friendly and welcoming. Confused and frightened, I heave myself off the bed and am relieved when I feel very little pain.

Holding a hand to my stomach, I pad out of the bedroom and reach the top of the stairs. When I look down I see in relief that it's not Vivian.

"Dusk!" Cassian yells up from the bottom of the stairs.

Cole turns and immediately strides up the stairs to stand beside me.

"Bed rest? Duskana?" He grumbles and helps me down the stairs, one of his hands against my back, the other across my front.

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