Chapter 7

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I'm awoken in the middle of the night by the sudden, ominous feeling every menstruating person knows all too well

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I'm awoken in the middle of the night by the sudden, ominous feeling every menstruating person knows all too well.

Letting out a silent curse, I fly from the bed before I can stain the expensive silk bedsheets. Frantically I search through the drawers in the bathroom, praying that there is a chance a rogue pad has snuck through the bachelor ambiance of this penthouse.

Sighing, I stuff my pants with toilet roll and head back into the bedroom. This is only a temporary situation, my periods are always full of vengeance and I won't make it through the night without an incident if I don't get some pads.

"Cole," I whisper as I tap his shoulder and perch on the edge of the bed.

He grumbles but makes no move to wake, groaning, I tap again- more insistently this time.

"What? What?" He grumbles, it seems like he has forgotten all about me in his sleepy state.

"It's me." I whisper and he finally opens his eyes to look at me, I can see the recognition on his face but he still looks bad tempered, pissed at being woken up.

"What?" He asks bluntly.

I feel embarrassment flush through me as his dark eyes scrutinise me through the midnight light.

"What's wrong?" He repeats bluntly, looks like Cole isn't exactly a morning person. I suspect he's one of those people who gets grumpy if their sleep gets interrupted. I would almost feel bad for him, that is if his stupid employees hadn't grabbed my bag of pads from the bathroom.

"I've, I've got my period." I explain making Cole sit up even more with a huff of frustration.

"I'm really sorry." I apologise and wince, Cole grunts and reaches for his phone on the nightstand. His face is illuminated by the blue light of the screen but it makes my brows furrow in confusion.

"What are you doing?"

"Texting one of my men to buy you some."

"What!" I exclaim, embarrassment and mortification slamming into my anxiety, self conscious ridden chest.

"Don't be ridiculous Duskana, this is what they're paid for."

"We'll forget it, it's not fair to ask them to do that..."

"Not fair?" Cole interrupts, "or are you just embarrassed?"

"Fine, I'm embarrassed." I snap, getting up from the bed in a huff, "you know what, just forget it, I'll get some myself."

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