Chapter 17

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Walking from the car towards my building I couldn't be more excited about seeing Duskana again

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Walking from the car towards my building I couldn't be more excited about seeing Duskana again. Unfortunately, when I arrived in L.A last week, my bag and phone were stolen so I had no way to communicate with her. I called mother a few times and asked her to explain what had happened to Duskana so she wouldn't be quite so hurt.

When I walk into the building, something feels wrong. There are five extra guards at the door and no one will look me in the eye.

I look for Cassian to explain, but he's not around either, it's weird.

Even my mother isn't waiting in the foyer to congratulate me and even Duskana isn't waiting even though she knew today was when I was due back.

Confused, I shake my head and walk towards the elevator. Once I get inside the elevator I know I should visit mother first, but the only person I want to see is Duskana.

Without thinking, I press the button to the penthouse and my pulse begins to race. I can barely contain my excitement as I wait for the ping to tell me I'm home.

When the doors swing open, I open my arms, expecting Duskana to run into them. When I'm greeted by silence, I frown.

"Sweetheart?" I call out.

"Where are you?"

Still no reply.

Wondering if she's playing, I dash up the stairs, taking them two at a time. I fling open our bedroom door hoping to find Duskana laying there in one of my shirts, teasing me.

Instead the room is cold, the bed made and a lot of Duskana's things are missing.

Frantically, I run back down the stairs, calling for Duskana but there's no answer.

I feel like if she had gone to her father, she would have left me a note, but then again, I realise I probably hurt her by not texting all week.

Just as I head back to the elevator, pulling my suit jacket back on, my mother steps out of the door and shoots me with a sympathetic smile.

"Congratulations honey," she says as she walks towards me, her arms outstretched.

"Where's Duskana?" I demand, nothing happens in this building without my mother knowing.

"That's why I came up here, we need to talk."

Confused, I watch as my mother takes a seat on the sofa and gestures me to do the same. Knowing she won't answer my question until I do what she says.

"Where is she?" I demand again.

"Cole," my mother reaches to take my hand but I jerk it away from her.

"Just. Tell. Me." I grit out.

"Fine, I'm sorry sweetheart but five days ago I discovered her sleeping with another man."

"What? She wouldn't do that, we-we were in love."

"That wasn't love, Cole. It was a forced marriage which served it's purpose. And she did do it."

"I, I don't believe you! Duskana wouldn't do that to me, she loved me.

I love her."

I feel my heart breaking as I search my mother's expression for any sign of deceit but find none. She's telling the truth?

This time, when my mother reaches for my hand, I let her take it. I try to move my body but my muscles ignore me. I can barely breathe. Barely blink. Barely live as I try to process this betrayal.

"Where is she?" I ask, finally able to get the words out of my throat.

"I don't know." My mother replies, "I went to get security to make them leave, when I returned they were gone."

"She-she was really cheating on me? It wasn't a misunderstanding?"

"If it was a misunderstanding, why did she leave? If she loved you, she would have fought for you."

My shoulders slump down in disappointment as I realise my mother is right, Duskana not being here confirms her guilt.

She was just using me for my money, tricking me so I would be more generous and think less.

"Fine," I swallow and harden my heart, "forget her. If you will excuse me, there are some things I need to do."

My mother nods in understanding but looks concerned as I stand, straightening the lapels of my jacket before leaving the room. I walk into my private office and set up my MacBook on the desk.

I have some money I need to withdraw.

When I thought Duskana and I were in love, I created a standing payment of $200,000 a month should anything happen to me to make sure she was safe, now? Well now whoever she was fucking can deal with her.

I cancel the money instantly and withdraw what was already in there back from the account, I leave in her own limited savings but nothing else.

Slamming down the lid, I stride out of the office and am relieved to see my mother has got the message and left.

Reaching for the nearest decanter of scotch, I pour myself an unhealthily large glass and collapse onto the sofa.

I can't believe I let my feelings cloud my judgment. Duskana was a business decision and nothing more. Now, I am the CEO so I no longer need her.

After far too many glasses of alcohol, I begin to feel lonely and my thoughts return to all the nights Duskana and I spent on this sofa in each other's arms.

Shaking my head, I abruptly stand from the sofa and the memories. I walk upstairs into my room and head for my bedside table.

Opening up the drawer, I find my spare phone and turn it on.

I press the first old hookup's number I see.

Unsurprisingly, she answers straight away. At least with women like this I know where I stand.

"Hey, I want you to come over for the night."


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