Chapter 28

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"Cole!" I call out again as I stare at the liquid dripping down my legs

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"Cole!" I call out again as I stare at the liquid dripping down my legs. I hear his footsteps thundering up the stairs.

"Hey, sweetheart," he says calmly, moving over to help me up from my doubled over position.

"Any contractions yet?" He begins to rub my back as I stare at him in shock. How is he so calm right now?

"I don't think-"

Suddenly a god awful pain cramps in my uterus as the weight of a rhino stomps on my body. I begin to groan and rock on my heels as Cole continues to gently rub my back.

Once the feeling passes I can talk again. I turn to look at Cole and smile weakly at him.

"Ok, so I need you to time how far apart they are," he nods his head obediently and opens up a timer on his phone.

I kneel on the floor and lean my hands on the bed, it was one of my birthing positions we practiced.

"Why am I timing, sweetheart?" I can tell how freaked out Cole is by all this, it probably isn't helping that I'm being quite chill right now.

"Because we can't go to the hospital until they're four minutes apart." I explain, smiling up at him softly while he rubs at my back.

"Oh," he mumbles as if it all begins to make sense to him.

After a few deep breaths from me, Cole breaks our peaceful silence.

"Duskana?" His voice sounds nervous and upset, "did-did I do this? Is it my fault?"

"Is what your fault?" I question as I sit up groaning and look at his face.

"The baby coming now? Is-is it because we had sex?"

"Oh, Cole, baby," I chuckle as I reach over to stroke his hand, "if sex could bring on the baby then doctors would tell you not to have sex for the whole nine months."

The frown on Cole's face persists as he helps me onto the bed, propping me up with pillows.

"But I thought sex can bring on the baby?" He looks at me, confused and adorable.

"Having sex when you're overdue can trigger the release of the hormone which triggers contractions and the semen can soften the cervix, but it doesn't happen two hours after, Cole. This baby would have come today whether we had sex or not."

"Ok," he sighs, looking at me in relief. The poor man was clearly ready to blame himself for all this.

I open my mouth to ask Cole how long it has been when another contraction slams into me.

"Shit!" I gasp out gripping at Cole's hand as every muscle in my stomach and back screams at me.

Once the contraction passes, I relax onto the bed taking deep, heaving breaths as Cole looks down at me, worried.

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