Chapter 29

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After the debacle in the elevator, the three of us, because there are three of us now, were rushed to the hospital in an ambulance

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After the debacle in the elevator, the three of us, because there are three of us now, were rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. But there was no need, there were no complications for Duskana or for our daughter.

That was three days ago, and now we're on our way back home. We are taking our daughter home. It still doesn't feel real, like this is all a dream and I'm going to wake up to find her gone.

"Oh shush, sweetie," Duskana coos as she reaches into the back seat to stop our little girl from fussing, "you'll be home soon and then I can feed you again."

I smile as I look over at Duskana, she's already the most magnificent mother, like I knew she would be and I just can't wait to have them all to myself.

"You alright, sweetheart?" I ask as I reach across the console of the car and rest it on her thigh.

She startles slightly but turns to smile at me, sleepily. After everything, she's understandably tired. I can't believe how strong she is to have a baby like that in a broken elevator.

"Yes, I'm fine Cole. I just, I just can't believe we're taking her home today. She's still not due for another month, and yet here she is. With us."

"She's a little gift," I agree, squeezing her hand tightly in mine as our daughter coos behind us. "I can't wait to have her home."

"Mmm, me neither." She admits, looking behind her so she can stare at our baby, her dark tight curls look like a halo about her head.

To say she's perfect would be an understatement of gross proportion.

"We haven't even got the nursery ready!" Duskana suddenly exclaims making me smile triumphantly.

"Just wait till we get home, sweetheart." I lift her hand up to my lips so I can kiss it.

"What have you done, Cole?" She asks, smirking at me knowingly as I try to keep a straight face.

"Wait and see."

"I love you, Cole." Duskana murmurs happily as she turns to rest her forehead on the window pane.

Her words swell my heart and I have to bite my lip and turn my attention back to to the road to hide my grin.

"Are you ready, precious," I coo as Duskana hands me our daughter and we stand in the elevator.

"You can't call her precious, Cole!" Duskana chides as I clutch my daughter against my chest.

Her little head is resting on my shoulder, she's tiny. So delicate that my massive hands dwarf her little body. A part of me is scared that she will be too fragile for me to hold, but I know that I won't hurt her.

"Why not?" I protest, "she is precious. My precious little baby."

"I know she is," Duskana giggles as she strokes our daughter's little head and all it's curls.

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