Chapter 21

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I wake and for a moment, I forget myself and reach for Duskana beside me

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I wake and for a moment, I forget myself and reach for Duskana beside me. Then I remember that she's been gone for months, and she's not coming back.

Shaking my head, I stand from the bed and quickly move to the shower, hoping to wash away my thoughts of her.

It fails, of course and the pounding in my head is even worse fully awake. I can't get Cassian's words out of my head, I never checked, I just took my mother's word even though I knew how much she hated Duskana.

Even if she did cheat, I've been a fool not to at least talk to her and know for certain what was going on. Instead I was a fool and just took my mother's words as gospel.

Sighing, I walk into my private office and open up my MacBook. I'm hoping that when I look back on her bank details, her address will be registered and then, at least, I can talk to her face to face.

To my disappointment, when I log onto my bank account, I see that Duskana's old bank account has been terminated, all the details are gone, including a potential address.

Clenching my jaw, I realise I'm going to have to include more people in my search for my wife.

Calling Jeremy, I lean back in my chair and wipe my face with my palm as I wait for him to pick up.

"Cole, what is it?" He asks quickly, I look up at my MacBook and see it's only seven in the morning, no wonder he's worried.

"Duskana, you remember her?"

"Of course I do, what's wrong?"

"I need to know where she is, can you get me an address. I know you have it on file somewhere."

"Uhhh yeah, sure." I hear the sound of footsteps going up the stairs and then the sound of paper rustling.

"Here it is, number 38 Greenoak apartment complex. Will that be ok enough?"

As he speaks, I type the address into google and the result with the full address pings up immediately.

"Yep, got it. Thanks." I quickly hang up the phone, I'm too stressed and anxious to talk to Duskana to care about phone etiquette.

Quickly grabbing my car keys from the kitchen counter, I head out of the building before stopping to talk to anyone, if my mother gets wind of this, she may do something to stop me.

"Duskana!" I yell as I hammer on the front door, "please, talk to me! I just want to talk to you!"

Eventually, with still no answer I'm about to give up. I hang my head and turn to leave when I hear a door down the corridor open and my ears perk up, maybe I just misheard the number.

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