Chapter 30

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"Oh my little Bea," I coo as I slowly ease my nipple into her mouth, "I know you're hungry honey, just try for me

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"Oh my little Bea," I coo as I slowly ease my nipple into her mouth, "I know you're hungry honey, just try for me."

At the hospital, Beatrix was not the best feeder, the nurses called her a fussy eater and it seems as if the habit is continuing.

"Is she feeding?" Cole whispers as he sticks his head round the corner of the nursery.

"Not yet," I murmur, "could you come and sit with me, she always seems to feed better around you."

"Of course, I was just trying to give you some space." He explains before diligently kneeling by the side of both of us.

"I don't ever want you to give us space." I murmur as I watch him trace Bea's chubby little cheek.

"Come on precious," he coos, "you need to eat to be a big strong girl."

With Cole next to me Beatrix already seems less fussy and more settled. Finally, with a bit of support from me and lots of coaching from Cole, we get her to latch on and she begins to chug away hungrily.

"You're going to be all fed and sleepy to meet Grandpa," I smile down proudly at her as her big brown eyes looks up at me.

"And uncle Cassian." Cole adds and when I shoot him with a look he smiles sheepishly at me.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't stop him, he's desperate to meet her."

"It's fine," I look up at him as he begins to lightly rock the nursing chair while Beatrix continues her feed. "I guessed that we wouldn't be able to keep him away for long."

"The fact that he's managed until she's three days old is a feat I didn't expect."

I giggle quietly, careful not to unsettle Bea from her feed because I worry she won't latch on again after.

Once she's finally full, she releases my nipple with a dramatic exhale of contentment.

"She likes them too, huh?" Cole drawls, making me squeal at his lewd comment.

"Cole!" I slap his chest, "you can't say things like that in front of your daughter."

I quickly tuck my boob back into my maternity bra and away from Cole's hungry eyes.

"Shall we change her before she meets them?" I question, stretching out my knees and enjoying the little clicks they both make.

"Can I dress her?" Cole eagerly reaches for Bea and I hand her over instantly.

Cole's hands take her and he instinctively holds the drowsy baby against his chest, she looks even more tiny in his arms than normal. I always knew he was a big man, at 6'3 he towers over me but now he looks even bigger holding Bea.

"I'm going to go and change my top," I announce as Cole carries Bea over to her changing table, I've got spit up down my top and I'd prefer to change it.

"Ok, sweetheart," Cole says over his shoulder, not taking his eyes off Bea. For a moment I feel a pang of sadness, like now he's got his daughter he doesn't need me, but then Cole turns around to face me.

"I love you, my wife," Cole grins proudly at me from across the room and all my doubts disappear.

"I love you too, husband," I reply as I stick my head back around the door.

"Let me see her! Let me see her!" My father exclaims as he practically pushes the elevator doors open and dashes past me.

"Hello, dad," I call out, waving my hand at him, "daughter here, just given birth."

"Oh, yes, hi, sorry Dusk." He walks back to me and gives me a gentle hug, careful of my still distended stomach.

"Now can I see her?" He asks excitedly, his eyes joyful.

"Yes, yes you can see her." I giggle as he practically runs to sit on the sofa.

"Cole!" I call out because we had decided to hide Bea and Cole in the other room so we could surprise my father.

"Here she comes!" Cole calls as we both hear a door open. My father's head whips around as he waits for the first image of his granddaughter.

Cole and Beatrix appear from around the corner, Bea is in a pale yellow baby-grow with bumble bee embroidery.

Cole carefully leans down and places Beatrix in my father's eagerly waiting arms.

"Hello beautiful," he coos as Beatrix stirs in the arms of someone new but she looks up at him for a moment with startled eyes, and then she settles again.

"What's she called?" He asks, looking at me as I sit next to him, staring down at my baby girl.

"We called her Beatrix," Cole speaks before me, "Bea for short."

"Bea," my father smiles down at her, "I like it."

"So, I guess you were right." I say with a smile, "you knew she was a girl."

"Call it a grandpa's instinct."

The elevator doors ping open and we all, excluding Bea, turn to look at it. Cassian walks in with a bunch of flowers and a small gift bag.

When he sees us all sitting together, his smile grows as he bounces over to us.

"Damn it, I wanted to hold her first." He whines making us all chuckle.

"Get in line," my dad replies, cradling Bea even closer to his body.

"Well I brought flowers and a present." Cassian defends as he takes a seat next to me.

He hands me the flowers with a beaming congratulations and then offers the bag to Cole.

"It's for Beatrix, sorry man."

"So where's my present then?" Cole demands as he takes the tissue wrapped present out of the bag.

When he opens it, a beautiful white rattle with a bumble bee top falls into his palm.

"Oh Cass," I exclaim, already feeling tearful, "it's beautiful."

"Now can I have my hug?" Cassian asks eagerly making my father grumble as he reluctantly hands over Beatrix.

"Hello Trixie," Cassian coos as he offers his finger to my baby to grip, "aren't you a gorgeous little girl."

"She's absolutely gorgeous," my father agrees.

"She's our little gift."


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