Chapter 23

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"W-what?" My lips trembles as I turn to look at Cole's words

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"W-what?" My lips trembles as I turn to look at Cole's words. "Y-your mother?"

Cole shifts closer to me again, our hands still clutched together, but I move away, imperceptibly.

"What did she tell you about me again?" I mumble, I know she must have told Cole something to make him hate me, I just can't remember what he shouted at me. Just that he shouted.

"She," he clenches his jaw in anger, "she said you cheated on me, and she found it out."

At his words, I pull my hand out of his and sharply turn my jaw to face away from him. Hidden under the thick layers of my hoody and dressing gown, I feel our baby shift inside me.

My seven month bump is stretched and covered in stretch marks, but it's all worth it every time I feel a kick. What's terrifying me this time, is that it's not just me in the room, feeling him move, or even dad, this time it's Cole too.

"And you believed her? Just like that?" I demand, glaring at him, hurt and insulted. I thought there was more to our love than just words, but clearly when it came down to it, that's all they were. Because as soon as some contradictions were spoken, my words were forgotten.

"Y-you we're gone," Cole defends, "I had no choice but to believe her."

"No." I state firmly, "you had a choice. You could choose between believing my words, or hers."

Cole stands up in frustration, pacing and running his hand frantically over his head. I remain sitting, it's too risky, moving about around Cole right now, I need to tell him myself and not have him find it out himself.

"You weren't there," Cole protests, "and you never wanted to speak to me when I asked mother to pass the phone over to you-"

"Wait, wait!" I interrupt, "you weren't answering any of my calls or texts, and you're accusing me of ignoring you."

"Well yeah," Cole shrugs, "my phone got stolen at the airport, but you knew that."

"Why would I have known that?"

"Because I asked mother to tell..." he trails off in realisation and curses brutally.

"She lied," he mutters to himself, "lied to me, lied to you. Fuck!"

He cursed again and snarls, pacing and clutching at his chest. I watch him warily, he looks like a caged animal you wouldn't want to approach.

Suddenly, he drops down to the floor on his knees and I realise something is wrong. Struggling to get to my feet, I approach the caged beast and look down at him.

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