Chapter 22

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"I'll be there for the meeting at three, mother," I explain down the phone as I walk down the streets of Chicago following a business lunch

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"I'll be there for the meeting at three, mother," I explain down the phone as I walk down the streets of Chicago following a business lunch.

"Make sure you're there, you know how important this could turn out to be for your father's company." My mother never fails to remind me of who this company belongs to, it's like she wants to constantly remind me that this is a legacy in my hands, and I hate it.

"I will, mother." I reply before hanging up.

Enjoying the crisp March air, I take my time walking back from the meeting and when I come across an empty bench, I settle there to answer some work emails when I see another email from the PI I hired to look for Duskana.

It's another possible lead on a woman fitting her description who is working night shifts at a supermarket, I pin it, ready to follow up on it tonight.

Eventually, I have enough of sitting around, so I stand and walk to the nearby a crossing, waiting for the pedestrian sign to turn green.

Out of the corner of my eye, a man comes and stands next to me, bags in his hand as  he waits. I turn to look at him, and then freeze.

Looking back at him again, I realise who is standing next to me, and why I had a niggle in my stomach.

"Rian?" I mumble as the lights turn green and everyone around us walks.

Neither of us move, both of us staring at at the other as the realisation dawns on us.

"Cole." He growls out, looking at me with disdain and disgust. Why is he mad at me? It's his daughter who was the cheating whore.

He quickly begins to cross the road, my guess is hoping I just won't bother following, but he's wrong, I want answers and I want Duskana.

"Where is she?" I demand, following after him as he walks in a slightly laboured pace due to the heavy shopping bags.

"You don't get to know." He spits back.

"She's my wife! Of course I get to know."

"Oh yeah?" He stops abruptly, drops the bags on the ground and turns on me. "Where was this loyalty to your wife, five months ago?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I snarl, he's talking to me about being disloyal?

"You know damn well what I'm talking about." He counters, "now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get home."

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