Chapter 9

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Cole looks down at me as I sit on the bed before him, my bare breasts heaving before his greedy eyes

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Cole looks down at me as I sit on the bed before him, my bare breasts heaving before his greedy eyes. His hands twitch with the urge to caress them but they remain firmly at his side.

"Duskana," Cole demands possessively, "I said show me."

I swallow hard as he takes my hands in his and leads them to the belt buckle of his suit trousers.

As I begin to undo them, my fingers trembling against the cold metal, Cole's fingers reach under my jaw and tip my head up to look at him.

Whilst his eyes are still dark, his jaw is still clenched, he has a concerned expression on his face.

"Dusk, we don't have to do this." He finally murmurs as his fingers traces across my cheek and brush over my lips.

"I want to." I whisper breathlessly, eager to show him with actions as well as words, I unzip his slacks slowly as I maintain eye contact and drag the trousers down, over his muscular thighs and perk ass until they land with a thud at his ankles.

I'm met with Cole's impressive length confined in his black boxers, but not for long. Taking a deep breath, I press my thighs together to help ease the ache in my clit, but it's not enough.

My fingertips lightly tease his erection over the black cloth and Cole lets out a low groan, tipping his head up to the heavens.

I continue to tease him over his boxers, I'll admit I'm a little hesitant about coming face to face with what he's hiding, it's... big.

"Duskana," Cole growls out as he looks down at me and presses a thumb between my lightly parted lips, "enough teasing."

I nod my head and finally pull down his boxers. His dick springs out and I eagerly grasp his bare skin. I take a moment to admire it, of all the disappointing dicks I've seen in my life, Cole certainly isn't one of them. It's thick and intimidating, veiny and pulsing with promise of a satisfying night.

Glancing up at Cole innocently, I pull him closer to my mouth by his ass until his tip is bobbing against my lips. Cole groans in pleasure as I finally allow him into my mouth, grasping what I can't fit with my hands.

I suck and twist and stroke him until he's under my control.

"You like that, baby?" I tease as I retreat and allow my manicured nails to tickle gently up his shaft.

He nods his head frantically as he pants above me.

"It's fucking amazing, sweetheart, why'd you stop?"

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