Chapter 15

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"Why do you have to go?" I pout as I sit up in our bed, watching my husband begin to pack a suitcase

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"Why do you have to go?" I pout as I sit up in our bed, watching my husband begin to pack a suitcase.

"I don't want to leave you, sweetheart, but I have to. The board have called a meeting in L.A and I have to go."

I frown and drop my eyes to the hands in my lap. The bed dips as I see Cole's form sitting in front of me. A finger under my jaw tips my eye line up to look at him.

"I have to go, because this will help us."

"Help us how?" I ponder, Cole never really talks about his work, not because he's hiding anything, but because I have no interest in the large corporate business Cole leads, no interest and no understanding.

"Well, this meeting is to name me as the CEO of my father's company, which means I will have more power, more money and more freedom to spend time with you."

"Ok..." I grin up at him, "I guess that does sound good."

"I'm still sorry I have to leave." This time it's Cole's turn to pout at the prospect of leaving me for a week.

"It's ok." I lean forward and press a chaste kiss to his pouting lips.

"What was that?" Cole whines and leans forward to try and kiss me again.

"A kiss."

"That wasn't a kiss!" Cole protests and whines as I bob and weave playfully away from his attempts to kiss me.

Finally Cole has enough of my teasing and he pounces on me, pinning me to the bed by my wrists as he smothers me in kisses. His fast movements make my giggle uncontrollably until I finally beg for mercy.

"Ok, enough! Enough!" I squeal, giggle breathlessly as I look up at Cole.

"Can I have my kiss now?" He demands and I nod my head immediately, I always wanted him to kiss me, making him work for it was a selfish bonus.

Cole attacks my lips and I give in without protest. Unlike our other kisses, which were nearly always leading somewhere, this one is lazy and worshipping. Neither of us want it to become anything more, I'm simply enjoying the feeling of his lips on mine.

When his phone buzzes in his pocket, he pulls back and looks at me.

"I love you." He murmurs before he pulls out his phone to read the text.

"Shit," he curses, "I'm sorry baby, I'm really late. I have to get going."

"Ok." I smile as I get out of bed despite the early hour.

Bending down I pick up one of his dress shirts from the floor and pull it over my body, only doing two of the buttons up so my breasts are barely covered.

Cole looks up from zipping up his suitcase and I practically see his eyes darken.

"Not playin' fair, sweetheart?"

"You know me, Cole, I love the game."

Cole mutters under his breath and pulls out his phone, texting something furiously.

Then he throws it on a pile of clothes behind him.

"I'm already late, what's twenty minutes more?"

"Bye baby!" I call as the elevator doors close on Cole, I am still breathless after our 'goodbye' session and I really need to have a shower.

I should probably visit dad and the diner, I haven't seen them since I handed in my notice and honestly, I miss them all more than I expected to. I've never been the sort to be especially attached to friendships, there are a few people I could never live without, but most people I wouldn't even miss.

After showering and dressing, I pull out my phone and call dad. Frowning when it goes straight to answerphone, I try again. When there is still no answer I decide that I will just surprise him with a visit.

"Mornin'" Cassian says from the counter as I walk down the stairs, whenever Cole is away for a day or two Cassian is always in close proximity.

"Oh good morning." I mutter brightly as I pour myself a glass of water, I've got a headache brewing behind my eyes, my best guess is my eyes are tired.

"You ok, Duskana?"

"Yeah, I'm just going to miss Cole." I admit both to Cassian and myself, "but he'll be back in a week and I'm sure he'll call and text."

"Of course he will." Cassian replies without hesitation as he follows me to the elevator doors, "so what are we doing today?"

"We?" I question, "I am going to visit my father, I don't know what you're doing."

"I'm going with you, Cole's orders I'm afraid."

"Really?" I raise an incredulous eyebrow at him as he nods his head, dislodging some of his wild dark brown curls so they brush on his forehead.

"Cole wants you safe while he's gone, no arguments, I'm afraid."

"Fine." I huff as I press the button calling the elevator, "I'm sure I'll find something useful for you to do."

"Hey!" Cassian protests in indignation, "I'm always useful."

"Sure you are." I placate him as I roll my eyes, I sure love Cassian but he's like a whiny toddler sometimes.

I wish Cole was still here.

The thought flashes across my face before I can stop it and it doesn't go unnoticed by Cassian.

"Hey, he'll be alright, you know. He goes to meetings like this all the time. He'll come back to you soon."

"I hope so."


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