Chapter 10

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"We need to make an appearance in public tomorrow, Duskana

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"We need to make an appearance in public tomorrow, Duskana." Cole speaks from the sofa next to me as we watch the tv.

I'm curled up under his arm as his fingers trace patterns over the bare skin of my arm.

"Why?" I mumble, as I lift my head up and look at him, nervously.

"Because it's been two weeks since the photos of our wedding have been in the press. And my mother says we need to look convincing doing normal married stuff."

I can't help but giggle at that last comment, if only Cole's mother knew of all the married stuff we'd been up to in the past few weeks. Luckily for me, I sense that Cole has had something to do with the absence of Vivian from my life.

"Ok then." I say with a smile before curling back down under his arm and enjoying his warmth. "Where are you thinking of going?"

"Just to some high end high streets where paparazzi are likely to be around."

I bite my lip at how heartless and calculating Cole's tone sounds.

"I-I didn't mean it to sound like that. I'm sorry to use you like this."

"It's ok," I mumble, kissing his bicep, "I know what I signed up for."

Cole sighs and kisses the top of my head. "I still don't like it, you're more than some popularity booster or record cleaner."

"I know."


A loud gunshot makes me jump and hide my face into Cole's chest.

"I really hate these films." I whine into his top, making Cole's chest reverberate with a deep laugh.

A few seconds later the sound stops and I reappear from his proximity, looking around confused when I see television screen is blank.

"Did we have a power cut?"

"No," Cole smiles and holds up the remote, "I turned it off, you didn't like it."

"That's very-" a yawn cuts off my words, "kind thing to do."

"And now I'm going to do something even kinder."

Cole sweeps me up into his arms and I rest my head sleepily on his shoulder.

"Can we go to bed now?" I ask him as I feel my body getting even heavier as he carries me up the stairs.

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