Chapter 27

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Duskana groans in her sleep as I feel the baby kick inside her

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Duskana groans in her sleep as I feel the baby kick inside her. We're having an afternoon doze together, something so decadent I never could have imagined it, and Duskana has been snoring for the last twenty minutes.

She's been very tired the last few days, we've just reached 8 months and I can barely contain my excitement. I'm going to be a father.

With Duskana's stomach pressed against my own, I can feel my baby shifting and moving within her. I can also feel how uncomfortable it must be when you're trying to sleep and have a little life kicking around.

She lets out a little grumble and then opens her eyes sleepily. I look down at her and stroke her cheek gently.

"Hi, sweetheart," I kiss her nose gently and smile down at her.

"Hi," she grins up at me and then lifts her face to help my lips meet hers. "I've missed you." She whispers against my lips.

"You have me," I reply as we lean down on the pillows again, side by side and facing one another.

"I've missed you." She repeats, looking up at me with a naughty glint in her eye.

"Oh, oh," I smirk down at her and softly brush hair from away from her eyes. "I don't want to hurt you, sweetheart."

"You won't, Cole." She smiles sweetly up at me and cups my face with her hand.

"You sure?" I check as I allow my hand to trace patterns up her thigh and over her stomach.

"Mhm," she hums happily, lifting her hips slightly for me as I tug on the waistband of her panties.

I deepen the kiss and lay between her legs, but as quickly as I settle, I change my mind.

Flipping us over gently, I position Duskana so she's straddling me, my body leaning up against the headboard of the bed so she's within kissing distance.

"Well this is new," Duskana says with a smirk and a giggle as she experiments with grinding herself over my growing erection.

"Oh," she moans, clutching at my neck to use some force behind her hip movements, "this is nice."

"Fuck yeah it is sweetheart," I tilt my head back slightly as Duskana leans down to kiss me, still grinding down on my boxer covered erection.

"Cole, I need more, or I'm gonna come before you're inside me." She pleads desperately, both begging to stop and creating more friction at the same time.

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